Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, March 12, 1833

  • Posted on: 10 March 2016
  • By: admin
Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, March 12, 1833



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Papers Project

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, March 12, 1833

action: sent

sender: Benjamin Seward
Birth: 1793-08-23  Death: 1841-02-24

location: New York, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Albany, NY

transcription: cef 

revision: ekk 2015-09-25

Page 1

New York 12 March 1833
Dear Henry
I have your letter of the
8th instant, glad to hear from you
grieved that sister Frances
Birth: 1805-09-24 Death: 1865-06-21
has been unwell
but rejoice at her recovery. Give to
her our sincerest love, tell her we know
how to sympathize with her, we have
known what sickness is, from home.
I rejoice that Father
Birth: 1768-12-05 Death: 1849-08-24
is to be
relieved from the burthen
Burden •
of public life
& it would have been better in my
judgement if he had declined to allow
his name to be thought of. I incline
to the opinion that Jones
Birth: 1789-12-30 Death: 1884-07-28Certainty: Probable
would make
the most respectable Judge among the
candidates, but have little knowledge
of Denniston
Certainty: Probable
I have seen several friends & con-
versed with them freely about the Pearl
Street Bank application, they are not
suited that Cartier
's name should be
placed in the commission, it was not
there originally & ought not to be now
& they would be glad to have it erased.
Page 2

Cartier is the most obnoxious here, but
they suppose that Peters
is most unpop-
ular in Albany, one of them it is
thought ought to removed, & it would
^be well^ to remove both, and either Jackson

or Hunt
Birth: 1810-06-14 Death: 1886-03-24Certainty: Probable
or both, inserted in lieu.
Little or no confidence exists in the
minds of those I conversed with, that the
institution would not be turned away by
the Commission as it now stands from
its original design & some of them would
rather the bill should not pass, if
it cannot be altered.
You certainly have Berdans
Birth: 1805-07-04 Death: 1884-08-24
to me, I recollect distinctly that
I sent them to you, should be
sorry, not to have them among the
others. Some little delay has
occurred & Berdan & Irving
Birth: 1802-04-03 Death: 1876-02-25
have not
yet started.
We regret that we are not to see
you & sister Frances this spring. Sister
Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03
has told us that we may ex-
pect her & we will try to make
Page 3

that serve till the day you may
be able to come.
Poor Clarence
Birth: 1828-10-07 Death: 1897-07-24
has been a little
ill with a cold, just by way of
keeping his little cousins
Do little let me hear from
you again.
Your affectionate Brother
B.J. Seward
Page 4

Genl. Wm H Seward
Member Senate
MAR 13


Type: postmark

Hand Shiftx

William Seward

Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
B.J. Seward
12 March 1833