Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, July 8, 1836
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, July 8, 1836
student editorTranscriber:spp:cnk
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, July 8, 1836
action: sent
sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24
Death: 1865-06-21
location: Auburn, NY
receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16
Death: 1872-10-10
location: Batavia, NY
transcription: msf
revision: amr 2021-08-06
Page 1
Friday July 7 th
My Dearest Henry, I have concluded to adopt your
plan of writing before breakfast, these warm days so
enervate me that I cannot well write at any
other time. I have been very much troubled about
Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03
the last two days — I wrote you last week
that she was sick but had partially recovered
she has had a relapse and been very ill the
last two days — she has been bled so much and
taken so much medicine that I wonder she can
move at all. I think her complaint was not entirely
removed at first and she was not as careful as
she should have been — it takes some years sickness
to produce all the caution which is necessary in such
cases — the pain in her side still continues she is
unable to lie in bed — Harriet
Birth: 1807 Death: 1888-08-20
watched with her
Wednesday and Mrs Chace
Birth: 1791 Death: 1862-10-14
last night — she is easier
this morning — Harriet has been with her a great
part of the time — she is one of the best girls I ever
knew I love her more every day — every day her
good sense and goodness of heart are more &
more developed — I am sometimes almost selfish
enough to wish that she loved her home and friends
at home less that she might be more contented
with us Friday July 7th but after all it is this
same affectionate disposition which makes her unhappy
away from them that endears her to me — She
received a letter from her Father
a few days
ago — he said he was expecting to hear from you soon —
I have received two kind letters from you since
I wrote last — that from Rochester came this
morning — Rathbone kept the canal — he wrote to me
from Weedsport — his letter did not contain much
but evinced the kindness of his heart — do not
fail to mention it when you write to him and
express my gratitude — Maryann Converse
Birth: 1805-05-02 Death: 1848-01-09
here yesterday she seems if possible more heartless
and more artificial in her manners than
ever — perhaps I have only become a more
close observer – Converse
Birth: 1798-11-21 Death: 1860-03-21
has gone to N. York
I received a card from W. G. Clark
Birth: 1808-10-05 Death: 1841-06-12
and his
bride yesterday morning — they passed through
town the day before — Have you seen the Olipodiana
purporting to have been been written by him for the
“New Yorker” — it is very silly I doubted its
authenticity from the first but could get no
one to join me — there were many allusions to his
recent marriage and “ fair bride ” I hear since
that it has been announced that it is spurious
I hope it is for I like the man and am unwilling
to have him make himself ridiculous — Mrs
“ B ”
Birth: 1798-07-24 Death: 1857-12-23Certainty: Possible
regrets very much that Mrs Clark exposed
her neck so much and complained so much
of indisposition while she was here — and Mrs B’s
kind friends
are equally grieved that
and cut so low and that she is so deficient
in refinement — I should judge from B’s
Birth: 1798-04-23 Death: 1875-09-04Certainty: Possible
that he is perfectly satisfied and this after all is the
only material point — There is a letter here for
you from A. Conkling
Birth: 1789-10-12 Death: 1874-02-05
(the judge I suppose) Albany
that he is coming west about this time to look for
a place to settle — none from Florida or from Cornelia
Birth: 1805 Death: 1839-01-04
This is the birth day of our dear little Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
he is
happily employed with his book and other birthday presents
Mr Becker’s
first term closes to day although Augustus’
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
quarter has not expired — he commences his school
again in after a week’s vacation but removes from
the exchange buildings to the Methodist church
Is it best for Augustus to commence another quarter?
Or will he allow him to make up the last? I think
the change of situation not very material except
that the free school is kept also in the Church
I suppose the s[ ch ]
tageous companions imaginable – Those scholars
which have been withdrawn from Mr Beckers school
have entered Mr Lockwoods
Birth: 1793-11-07 Death: 1875-02-12
but I am unable
to say whether the change has been for the better
the truth is the elementary branches are shamefully
neglected everywhere — this precocious age seems to
consider reading writing and spelling of very little
consequence in a childs education — were I tolerably
well I would keep the boys at home one year and devote
my own time to them I do not think it could be better
employed — Augustus has written upon an average only 3
lines a day since he has attended this school. The last
2 days have been very oppressive — I hope are quite well again
I was very much edified and consoled by the cogent arguments
you made use of to convince me that it was good for me to be
alone — You have before this time received my letter and
the little boys — George
Birth: 1808-08-26 Death: 1888-12-07
must have arrived while you were
absent — — I close this letter to day that it may reach
you while you are yet at Batavia — Lazette desires particular
love to John Birdsall
Birth: 1802 Death: 1839-07-22
when you get to Chataqua
— All join
in love to you — My love to the Cary’s
Birth: 1787-08-11
Death: 1869-06-20
Birth: 1788
Death: 1863-06-22
Birth: 1792
painted the steps yesterday for the 1
time — Snip
Death: 1848
walked all over them last night by way of recreation &
I have been endeavouring all day to obtain another coat
of paint without success — My eyes have been spent in the service
[right Margin]
of Lucinda for the last 2 days to enable her to remain with
us until Saturday — I have not yet succeeded in getting any one to
do my sewing — you see I am not going to allow you to forget
us – your own Frances —
William H. Seward
Batavia —
Postmark AUBURN, N.Y.
Hand Shift
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10William Seward
July 9, 1836