Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, September 21, 1838

  • Posted on: 10 March 2016
  • By: admin
Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, September 21, 1838



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Papers Project

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, September 21, 1838

action: sent

sender: Benjamin Seward
Birth: 1793-08-23  Death: 1841-02-24

location: Westfield, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Auburn, NY

transcription: ahf 

revision: ekk 2015-11-05

Page 1

Westfield 21 Sept. '38
My dear Henry
Birth: 1802-06-09 Death: 1877-08-31
has just left me, the printing
he has in hand, of extracts &c, will be attend-
ed to. He seems in good spirits, but says
there are parts of Erie & Genessee that require at-
tention. The hubbub attempted to be raised about
the hypothecation must be put down. He says he saw your [ quandam ]

Alternate Text

Alternate Text: quondam
friend T.
Birth: 1793-06-17 Death: 1859-09-12Certainty: Probable
in Buffalo as he came thro'
, who talks strong of working in & sustaining the nom-
ination, sets your majority at 3000, seems cheerful in
your support. So far so good.
The conservatives here are talking of ma-
king a demonstration, Cass
Birth: 1782-10-09 Death: 1866-06-17Certainty: Probable
's friends are sounding
round him. Patchin
Birth: 1805-05-17 Death: 1892-05-17
& Judge Eason
Birth: 1771-04-03 Death: 1853-04-08Certainty: Probable
are fierce[ . ]



Birth: 1769-02-11 Death: 1848-11-07Certainty: Probable
(the old Supervisor) & some others are willing
to follow lead. Plum is to drum up in the S. part
of the Co, and if a respectable number can be
rallied, Williams
Birth: 1793-10-23 Death: 1884-05-14Certainty: Probable
will come over from Dunkirk &
^make a spech,^ & W. Smith
Birth: 1800-03-21 Death: 1874-09-21Certainty: Possible
will also attend. We have been sending
a Conservative letter & some money to Benedict
Birth: 1785-11-07 Death: 1862-07-15Certainty: Possible
to get
ammunition to work with. A delegation will likely be
W. Smith says he will make you a sched-
ule of the lands he will offer you & send it to Au-
burn, & a duplicate here. He thinks of going down
to N. Y. the first week in Oct & hopes to see you &
Calvin Burr
Birth: 1792 Death: 1889
in your place as he goes along.
I am awaiting your determination
about returning here. I would like to
Page 2

go to Buffalo & lay in some winter
stores, if you are here while I might
be absent. Indeed I would like to
go on with Augustus
Birth: 1820-05-18 Death: 1889-05-08
to New York &
situate him safely & economically
The management of domestic affairs; the regulation and government of household matters, especially as they concern expense or disbursement • The internal, and especially pecuniary management of any undertaking, corporation, state, or the like • The system of rules and regulations by which anything is managed • Thrifty and frugal housekeeping •
he might complete his studies, or if
you were there & would give him your
judgment about his little affairs, perhaps
it would not be much trouble to you
& answer the best purposed. It occurs
to me to say that possibly I might
procure the appointment of agent for this
office, & in appraizers of land & an opin-
ion in favour of Van Hall
Birth: 1799-12-23
, signing deeds
&c &c lay your instructions, but whether
I could do these things, if I were there
or whether it would be safe for me
to leave just now, you must judge.
Pray drop me a line of what you think
I had better do.
Much has passed on, all well[ . ]



Your grateful Brother[ , ]



B. J. S.
Page 3

W. H. Seward Esq
N. Y.
Westfield N.Y.
SEP 22


Type: postmark

Hand Shiftx

William Seward

Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10Certainty: Probable
B. J. Seward
Sept 21, 1838.