Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, December 18, 1839

  • Posted on: 4 October 2017
  • By: admin
Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, December 18, 1839



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, December 18, 1839

action: sent

sender: Benjamin Seward
Birth: 1793-08-23  Death: 1841-02-24

location: Westfield, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Unknown

transcription: obm 

revision: tap 2017-03-28


Editorial Note

While this letter is from BJS to WHS, pronounced differences in handwriting point to the use of a scribe

Page 1

Chautauqua Land Office
Westfield Dec 18. 1839
Dear Henry
I am furnished with ^by^ this mornings
mail, with a copy of the agreement be-
tween Cook
Birth: 1800-11-20 Death: 1866-10-16
& Maxwell
Birth: 1794-02-11 Death: 1856-11-22
& Van Ness
Birth: 1807-03-02 Death: 1895-11-10
. In
addition to what I stated to you in my
last, I am able to say, now, that the
proposed sale would be an entirely
safe one for you – and in no degree
impair the security of the Trust Co.
Cook & Maxwell propose to sell
to Nelson Van Ness, $5.600 worth of the
wild lands of this county: one half
of this amount, it seems, is due to Van
Ness by Cook & Maxwell – which is to be
considered a payment of so much. For
the residue say $2.800 Van Ness is to give
his Bond; & to mortgage
The charging of property by a debtor to a creditor as security for a debt, on the condition that it shall be returned on the payment of the debt within a certain period • Convey property to a creditor as security on a loan •
the whole of the
Page 2

lands purchased by him: so that the
lien of the Trust Co would be the same
in regard to its security. The Bond
& mortgage
The charging of property by a debtor to a creditor as security for a debt, on the condition that it shall be returned on the payment of the debt within a certain period • Convey property to a creditor as security on a loan •
taken by Cook & Maxwell
from Van Ness, they would desire should
be passed over to you as a payment of
so much upon their Bond to you – and for
that reason would have the obligation
made directly to Duer
Birth: 1782-10-07 Death: 1858-08-08
& others, trustees:
and if need be, Nelson would, (as I am
told – which is not mentioned in the
agreement) lodge with us ten shares
of the stock of the Auburn & Syracuse
Rail road $1.000 par value – conditioned
that it may at any time be sold; ^&^ the
proceeds applied on Van Nesss’ Bond, - or
in lieu of this, a Bond & Mortgage, held
to be a good security for $900
All which, if it be not strictly in
accordance with the agreement between
Cook & M. & yourself, is agreeable to its
spirit – and is as I apprehend equal
in regard to your interest - & more
Page 3

than equal in security to the Trust Co.
Yours as ever
B.J. Seward
P.S. The prices at which Cook
& Maxwell agree to sell to Van Ness
are the same as those in their pur-
chase from the land office
Page 4

Wm H. Seward Esq
Paid chg 59.
DEC 19


Type: postmark

B. J. Seward