Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, February 28, 1843

  • Posted on: 25 July 2017
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, February 28, 1843



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, February 28, 1843

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: Augustus Seward
Birth: 1826-10-01  Death: 1876-09-11

location: West Point, NY

transcription: nrs 

revision: crb 2017-03-20

Page 1

Tuesday Feb. 28th 1843
My dear Augustus,
I received your letter (which I
had been expecting some days) Sunday morning –
A melancholy
Depressed in spirits; dejected; gloomy; dismal • Producing great evil and grief; causing dejection; calamitous; afflictive • Grave looking; somber •
event which occurred here last week
had made me more than usually anxious
about you – Did you know Mortimer Rathbone
Birth: 1824-12-29 Death: 1843-02-24

son of Hiram Rathbone
 Death: 1864-06-03
– I believe he was at the
Academy with you and afterwards went to Geneva
College – Last Friday he went out on the lake
to skate with some of the other students – broke
through the ice and after an ineffectual struggle
to escape was drowned – The ice was so tender
that the others were afraid to venture near enough
to render him any assistance though some of
them threw in their coats when he begged them
to throw him any thing to cling to – Some time
elapsed before assistance could be procured from the
shore – the body remained in the water 3/4 an hour
Page 2

Mortimer was in his 19th year – the eldest of three
x Birth: 1832-04-15  Death: 1879-11-02  Birth: 1828-11-25  Death:  
– it is a dreadful affliction for his parents
Birth: 1803-08-05 Death: 1870-02-04
The faculty of the college and all the students
attended his funeral which took place Sa Sunday
afternoon – a sermon was preached by Mr Croswell
Birth: 1807-11-07 Death: 1851-11-09

I went to the church (the Episcopal) but it was
so full that I was unable to find a seat – our
pew was appropriated to the use of the mourners –
In "Be ye also ready, for in such an hour as ye think
not the Son of Man cometh" – This was the text
from which Mr. Croswell preached – The remains
were then consigned to the earth "dust to dust".
then to await the morning of the ressurection –
Every day we have something to admonish us that
"In the midst of life we are in death" to show
us the necessity of preparation for that great
change which sooner or later must come to all –
Reflect upon these things my beloved child and
believe me, you will find no time in your
life more suitable, than the days of your youth
to consecrate yourself to the service of your Creator –
Page 3

Your father went to Albany last Monday quite
unexpectedly – Thursday he was to go to N. York.
and proposed coming home tomorrow – he may
go to Florida, in that case he will hardly return
this week – Mr Morgan
Birth: 1808-06-04 Death: 1877-04-03
was consulted about
your nomination I think there cannot be a vacancy
in this district as you were to be nominated by
Mr Van Renssalear
Birth: 1810-05-14 Death: 1864-03-23
of Ogdensburgh – a son of the


; – member of Congress from that district –
You may be assured that your Father will leave
no proper means untried to get your appointment,
still you must not calculate too confidently
upon it. I will write the moment I can ascertain
the result of the application –
Birth: 1828-10-07 Death: 1897-07-24
concludes to remain at Hopkinton – of
course he does not come home at present –
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
is still very busy with his studies – Willie
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29

says I must tell Gusy to come home – All send
love – I believe you are not permitted to skate
upon the river – if you are pray do not expose
you life in that way – your affectionate mother
F. A. Seward
Page 4

Augustus H. Seward
At Mr Kinsley's
Birth: 1802-02-17 Death: 1849-08-24
West Point


Type: postmark