Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, January 24, 1848

  • Posted on: 17 October 2018
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, January 24, 1848



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, January 24, 1848

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21


receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Washington D.C., US

transcription: obm 

revision: tap 2018-07-23

Page 1

Monday Jan 24th
My dearest Henry
Trusting to Mr Blatchfords
Birth: 1820-03-09 Death: 1893-07-07

calculation I confidently expected you
Saturday night and curtailed a visit to
Mrs Hills
Birth: 1796 Death: 1863-04-22
to be home in time — Your
letter from Washington this morning shows
the fallacy of the calculation which was
based upon a stay of one day instead
of one week — I trust you are well as you
do not say otherwise — Lazette
Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03
does not
come yet though I am still expecting her —
The advent of the Bishop
Birth: 1797-02-12 Death: 1867-04-16
has occupied
the foreign part of our family for the
last four days — I went to hear him
yesterday at the town hall which was
well filled — but few that I recognized —
I asked an introduction to the Bishop (on
your account) after his discourse was
concluded — he seemed gratified — said
he had called the day previous but found
you absent — As he neglected to leave his
name I had not been informed of it —
I have not yet been able to hear the name
pronounced intelligently but think it is Timons —
Page 2

you will know — I was not aware
that there were two assistant Bishops
x Birth: 1797-06-24  Death: 1864-01-03  Birth: 1810-03-10  Death: 1885-10-10 

in New York — I was much pleased
with the discourse, it abounded in
charity as the text will show —
"Other sheep have I which are not of this fold
them also I must bring; and they shall bear
my voice; and then shall be one fold and one
Shepherd" — We are all well
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
says she "shall have a father one of these
days" — Please remember me to the Weeds
x Birth: 1819-02-06  Death: 1893-11-01  Birth: 1797  Death: 1858-07-03  Birth: 1797-11-15  Death: 1882-11-22 

of course to Mr
Birth: 1808-02-25 Death: 1886-09-29
and Mrs Bowen
Birth: 1816 Death: 1872-07-15
— Tell Mrs
Bowen I should be very glad to have her
visit me when she gets tired of Albany
which I consider a possibility
Mrs Morgan
Birth: 1813-02-16 Death: 1893-10-14
is goes Wednesday —
My regards to Mr Morgan
Birth: 1808-06-04 Death: 1877-04-03
Mrs Blatchford
Birth: 1798-07-24 Death: 1857-12-23

gives a party to night for Mrs Morgan
The weather is charming but accompanied
by such a sense of it mutability that one
can scarcely prize it at this season
I have improved it by making innumerable
visits and have once more come to the bottom
of the list — Lazette writes that Mrs
Birth: 1809-04-13 Death: 1873-05-27
has buried her little girl
Birth: 1845-03-16 Death: 1848-01-20
— her only child
I am grieved for her — Your own Frances
Page 3

Hand Shiftx

William Seward

Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
Frances A. Seward
Jan. 24. 1848.