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    Tiziano Vecelli

    Birth: unknown

    Death: 8-27-1576

    Alternate Surname: Vecellio

    Nickname: Titian


Titian is famous for being one of the greatest Italian Renaissance painters. His work hung in the gallery of the Marquis of Westminister in London, which William Henry Seward viewed during his 1859 travels. 

Letter References


Biography and Citation Information:
Titian is famous for being one of the greatest Italian Renaissance painters. His work hung in the gallery of the Marquis of Westminister in London, which William Henry Seward viewed during his 1859 travels.
Citation Notes:
Citation for Birth Info:
Citation Type: 
Citation URL:
Title of Webpage: 
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Website Viewing Date: 
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 - 15:45
Website Last Modified Date: 
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 - 15:45
Citation Notes: 
WRITTEN BY: Harold E. Wethey
Citation for Death Info:
Citation Type: 
Citation URL:
Title of Webpage: 
The National Gallery of London
Website Viewing Date: 
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 - 15:45
Website Last Modified Date: 
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 - 15:45