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Abraham Lapham Hance
Birth: 4-6-1822
Death: 12-20-1893
"Sarah Hance’s brother wishes a clerkship in any department" - 18640400FMS_FWS1
Letter References
Letter from Sarah Dare Hance to Frances Miller Seward, October 11, 1855
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Frederick William Seward, April, 1864
Biography and Citation Information:
"Sarah Hance’s brother wishes a clerkship in any department" - 18640400FMS_FWS1
ABRAHAM LAPHAM HANCE was born April 06, 1822 in Macedon, Wayne Co., New York, and died December 20, 1893 in Macedon Center, Wayne Co., New York.He married LYDIA LAPHAM PACKARD November 08, 1854, daughter of PHILANDER PACKARD and MINERVA LAPHAM.She was born May 05, 1826, and died April 07, 1906.
Abram was called the Lapham of the family because of his seeming to possess more of their traits he also had many of fathers characteristics.He had a gentile disposition kindhearted with strong fraternal feelings.He was proud spirited and independent and enjoyed society in his younger years.He had a liberal education and was preparing for college with the intention of studying law when he had a long and severe illness.At the time he was engaged in teaching in Adrain, Michigan which caused him to abandon his plans.After serving one term as Superintendent of schools in the town of Macedon he went East and taught school in New Jersey and Virginia for a number of years.He returned home in l837 and took charge of fathers farm which he after purchased.He inherited fathers tastes for the cultivation of fruits and horticultural products in ornamenting his grounds to make his home cheerfuland attractive.He was a person of tireless industry and energy, frugal with good judgement in business matters.
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Title of Webpage:
User Home Page Genealogy Report: Descendants of John Hance
Website Viewing Date:
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 - 13:15
Website's Last Modified Date:
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 - 13:15
Citation for Birth Info:
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Title of Webpage:
Abraham Lapham Hance - Facts
Website Viewing Date:
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 - 13:15
Website Last Modified Date:
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 - 13:15
Citation for Death Info:
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Title of Webpage:
Abraham Lapham Hance - Facts
Website Viewing Date:
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 - 13:15
Website Last Modified Date:
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 - 13:15