Person Information


Married Catherine Wells, b 1815, married 12/28/1841 son Henry b1844 daughter Elizabeth b1846


FMS wrote to LMW in 1844 to tell Dr Matthews that WSJ's eyes had improved, which seems to indicate that FMS or LMW took Willie to see Dr Matthews during a visit in Canandaigua. Matthews was a medical doctor who became a homeopathist in 1844, and he practiced in Canandaigua and later Rochester.

Letter References


Biography and Citation Information:

Married Catherine Wells, b 1815, married 12/28/1841 son Henry b1844 daughter Elizabeth b1846


FMS wrote to LMW in 1844 to tell Dr Matthews that WSJ's eyes had improved, which seems to indicate that FMS or LMW took Willie to see Dr Matthews during a visit in Canandaigua. Matthews was a medical doctor who became a homeopathist in 1844, and he practiced in Canandaigua and later Rochester.

Citation Notes:
Citation for Birth Info:
Citation Type: 
Citation URL:
Title of Webpage: 
Google Books documents of the Senate of the State of New York vol 7
Website Viewing Date: 
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 - 11:45
Website Last Modified Date: 
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 - 11:45
Citation for Death Info: