Book Holdings

  • Almanacs

    Author: Various
    Imprint: Various: New York and Philadelphia; 1733-1850
    Extent: 987 pp
    Subject(s): Reference

    Copy 1 -
    Repository: Seward House Museum
    Notes: Title (1): The United States' Almanac; or Complete Ephemeris, For the Year 1844 [see book for full title]; by John Downes and Freeman Hunt; Philadelphia: E. H. Butler, 1844. Title (2): Poor Richard 1733. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1733; by

    Copy 2 -
    Repository: Seward House Museum
    Notes: Title (1): The Phrenological and Physiological Almanac for 1846; by O. S. & L. N. Fowler; New York City: Fowler & Wells, 1845. Title (2): The Whig Almanac and United States Register for 1843; New York City: Greeley & McElrath, 1843. Title (3):

    Copy 3 -
    Repository: Seward House Museum
    Notes: Title (1): 1828 Christian Almanack; American Tract Society Title (2): 1826 Young's Ephemeris, or Almanack; by David Young; Auburn, NY: Doubleday Title (3): 1825 Farmer's Calendar or the Auburn Almanack; Andrew Beers; Auburn, NY: Doubleday Title (4

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