Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, December 17, 1838
Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, December 17, 1838
student editorTranscriber:spp:sss
Distributor:Seward Family Papers Project
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, December 17, 1838
action: sent
sender: Benjamin Seward
Birth: 1793-08-23
Death: 1841-02-24
location: Westfield, NY
receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16
Death: 1872-10-10
location: Auburn, NY
transcription: keh
revision: ekk 2015-10-28
Westfield Dec 17, 1838
Dear H.
Your friends here show a becoming
desire that you should make no misstep in
regard to the county – and it may not be amiss
to apprize you of what is said.
I need hardly mention that Jones
of Tews
of F. – Saxton
Alternate Text: looking
for, preparing for & thinking about a nomination for
S. — Of Jones it is said that he is very useful &
efficient & has claims – but is young & lacks weight.
This is somewhat true of Green & others. Of French
it is said that he wants every office that is going
& is not suited for this one – & on the other hand
that he is deserving & was wronged in the nom-
inations at the October convention. Judicous
persons think a more cultivated man should
be had. Plumb
favouring the claims of Ruggles by their prox-
imity & obligations to Jones – but a clamour
is raised against Ruggles because he does
not reside at Mayville. Green
would like it – & if there is any chance by com-
promize to procure the nomination would expect
above all other men to be in favour with the senate.
prominent man of our delegation & likely to carry
the other with him in these matters. He it is
said is unfriendly to Ruggles & dislikes French,
and it is said that he is likely to go for Liv-
ermore who will obtain the support of his neigh-
bors here – and perhaps a good portion of the
Loco best men in the county. Your fast friend
Richd Walker
fall into the error of nominating Livermore, of whom
he says that he is irritable, unpopular & unsuitable
and he begs you to pause before nominating him.
It occurs to me that if Ruggles would con-
sent to go to Mayville, he might be preferred be-
fore all those who do not offer to go there &
Green the Whig being so much younger & less
known – & Green the Loco, expects nothing only in
case of tie – so that in this way the whole
thing would be easy – & while this would be so
it would please Whigs in, & about Mayville
to have him there & give strength to the party
& do good every way. It is delightful to
see the Loco's signing Livermores paper &
thus acknowledging the unfitness of Smith
present incumbent – & I hear it often said
that he is exceedingly unpopular with his
own people as well as others. I suppose
Judson has nothing worse against Ruggles than
this, that Ruggles opposed his nomination.
I am under promise to Walker also to say
a word in favour of our Esq Patchin
says he is quite down & needs assistance. If
it is in your way to introduce him into
some of the departments it would doubtless
be a favour. He is a good pensman – a pleas-
ing gentleman man with a clear mind & I
think would make a good clerk in such
a place.
To these and to all who converse with
me or write me about appointments I have
said, their applications would be put upon
grounds of public consideration. I have no
other wish & ought to have no other.
Your grateful Brother
B. J. Seward
P.S. I forgot to mention the name
of my old western friend Capt Candler
who applies for the Pot Wardens
office of N.Y. – a good scribe – an
upright man – of much business
experience & faithfulness.
All well.
W H. Seward Esq
N. Y.
DEC 19
Type: postmark
B. J. Seward, Westfield
Dec 17, 1838
Westfield Dec 17, 1838
Dear H.
Your friends here show a becoming
desire that you should make no misstep in
regard to the county – and it may not be amiss
to apprize you of what is said.
I need hardly mention that Jones
of J. – GreenUnknown
of Tews
Birth: 1804-04 Death: 1875-11-27
office – Dixon
Birth: 1787-07-23 Death: 1875-04-19
& Livermore
Birth: 1794-10-15 Death: 1870-08-21
of this place – Ruggles
Birth: 1807-06-25 Death: 1865-05Certainty: Probable
of F. – Saxton
Birth: 1796-04-11 Death: 1881-10-07
– French
Birth: 1798 Death: 1865-01-29
– & one or two more are [ lookig ] Alternate Text
for, preparing for & thinking about a nomination for
S. — Of Jones it is said that he is very useful &
efficient & has claims – but is young & lacks weight.
This is somewhat true of Green & others. Of French
it is said that he wants every office that is going
& is not suited for this one – & on the other hand
that he is deserving & was wronged in the nom-
inations at the October convention. Judicous
persons think a more cultivated man should
be had. Plumb
Birth: 1802-06-09 Death: 1877-08-31
& Hazeltine
Birth: 1793-06-10 Death: 1879-12-20
are restrained fromfavouring the claims of Ruggles by their prox-
imity & obligations to Jones – but a clamour
is raised against Ruggles because he does
not reside at Mayville. Green
the Loco manwould like it – & if there is any chance by com-
promize to procure the nomination would expect
above all other men to be in favour with the senate.
Birth: 1801-11-02 Death: 1872-03-10
, our member from Portland is thought to be theprominent man of our delegation & likely to carry
the other with him in these matters. He it is
said is unfriendly to Ruggles & dislikes French,
and it is said that he is likely to go for Liv-
ermore who will obtain the support of his neigh-
bors here – and perhaps a good portion of the
Loco best men in the county. Your fast friend
Richd Walker
Birth: 1802
has been fearful that you mightfall into the error of nominating Livermore, of whom
he says that he is irritable, unpopular & unsuitable
and he begs you to pause before nominating him.
It occurs to me that if Ruggles would con-
sent to go to Mayville, he might be preferred be-
fore all those who do not offer to go there &
Green the Whig being so much younger & less
known – & Green the Loco, expects nothing only in
case of tie – so that in this way the whole
thing would be easy – & while this would be so
it would please Whigs in, & about Mayville
to have him there & give strength to the party
& do good every way. It is delightful to
see the Loco's signing Livermores paper &
thus acknowledging the unfitness of Smith
thepresent incumbent – & I hear it often said
that he is exceedingly unpopular with his
own people as well as others. I suppose
Judson has nothing worse against Ruggles than
this, that Ruggles opposed his nomination.
I am under promise to Walker also to say
a word in favour of our Esq Patchin
. Walkersays he is quite down & needs assistance. If
it is in your way to introduce him into
some of the departments it would doubtless
be a favour. He is a good pensman – a pleas-
ing gentleman man with a clear mind & I
think would make a good clerk in such
a place.
To these and to all who converse with
me or write me about appointments I have
said, their applications would be put upon
grounds of public consideration. I have no
other wish & ought to have no other.
Your grateful Brother
B. J. Seward
P.S. I forgot to mention the name
of my old western friend Capt Candler
Birth: 1782-06-21 Death: 1863-06-19
who applies for the Pot Wardens
office of N.Y. – a good scribe – an
upright man – of much business
experience & faithfulness.
All well.
W H. Seward Esq
N. Y.
DEC 19
Hand Shift
Birth: 1820-03-09 Death: 1893-07-07Samuel Blatchford
Dec 17, 1838