Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, April 10, 1840

  • Posted on: 14 December 2017
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Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, April 10, 1840



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, April 10, 1840

action: sent

sender: Benjamin Seward
Birth: 1793-08-23  Death: 1841-02-24

location: Westfield, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Albany, NY

transcription: aca 

revision: tap 2017-09-13

Page 1

Land office
April 10, 1840
Dear Henry
I am no way reluctant to follow
your suggestion in relation to the
advertisement: but I am a good deal
disappointed. I had hoped to have
derived much benefit from the plans
I had conceived – but was mistrust-
ful that another day might answer
better for their execution : another day
then let it be.
Birth: 1798 Death: 1865-01-29
spoke to me while in
Albany – Dixon
Birth: 1787-07-23 Death: 1875-04-19
writes me — Smith
Birth: 1800-03-21 Death: 1874-09-21

of this place takes me aside to
talk to me – and one or two others
have addressed me upon the subject
of uneasiness in the public mind
about the course of business here
& I am informed you are written
to upon the subject also.
Page 2

Feeling perfectly confident
that all is right and well here
I have felt no uneasiness myself
except from the fear that , if the
same solicitude is expressed to you
in your absence from the county
your mind might be disturbed.
Let not officious whig zeal, based
it may be upon a case or two
of unreasonable complaint, effect
you. Our plans are all founded
in leniency – & hard cases are
excepted – and justifications , if they
become necessary — & very likely
they will, before November; will
be made ready to meet every
case. And if it is of the least
moment to you to know these plans
or if you can procure time to look
into them, I would be very glad
to lay them before you.
Little Smith
Birth: 1807-05-13 Death: 1864-07-29
has left me,
He proposes to seek business in the
Page 3

cities – & doubtless will ask letters from
you. I deem it my duty to inform
you that efforts, during the last days
of his stay, to procure with him an
investigation of his cash account, pro-
ved unavailing. Subsequent exam-
inations, show as we understand it
a deficit of $16498 which is now
charged to him & he is
informed of it, directed to
Auburn : and fears are
entertained that further sums
may come to light. He has
been so intemperate of late
that he fears to ask a letter
here – although we have had
no words & he has maintained
his amiable
Worthy of love; deserving of affection; lovely; loveable • Pretending or showing love •
deportment to the last.
I feel as if, after thanking you
for your letter, I ought to stop
short, without, even apologizing
for the length of this —
The Lord bless you & give you
a long career of usefulness
Your grateful brother
B. J. Seward
Page 4

W. H. Seward, Esq
Albany, N. Y.
Hand Shiftx

William Seward

Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
B. J. Seward
April 10, 1840