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    Ann Ursula Wells Sitgreaves (Lyman)

    Birth: unknown

    Death: 3-4-1854

    Alternate First Name: Anne



Sitgreaves, Samuel | Marriage Date: 12-27-1823

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Ann's father was General William Lyman. She was one of his five daughters. Ann's sister, Jerusha Lyman, was the first wife of Jackson Kemper; Jackson Kemper was the uncle of Ann's husband, Samuel Sitgreaves. Ann's birth and death dates are unknown. It is known, however, that Ann survived her husband (he died in '30 or '32) "for a number of years and lived in Philadelphia, where, not long since, she deceased. No children." Well, Samuel and Ann did have one child, but it died in infancy. The Lyman girls also opened and ran in Philadelphia a young ladies' school before their marriages. I believe the Lyman girls were born in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, but couldn't find birth dates for any of them in church records for that area. The only evidence of birth/death dates I could find was a obituary for "Ann Ursula Wells Sitgreaves" in the Belvidere Intelligencer in 1854. I don't have any proof that this could be our Ann, but Ann's mother's maiden name was Welles, and Belvidere is not too far (1.5 hour drive) away from Philadelphia, where Ann reportedly lived until her death.


Biography and Citation Information:
Ann's father was General William Lyman. She was one of his five daughters. Ann's sister, Jerusha Lyman, was the first wife of Jackson Kemper; Jackson Kemper was the uncle of Ann's husband, Samuel Sitgreaves. Ann's birth and death dates are unknown. It is known, however, that Ann survived her husband (he died in '30 or '32) "for a number of years and lived in Philadelphia, where, not long since, she deceased. No children." Well, Samuel and Ann did have one child, but it died in infancy. The Lyman girls also opened and ran in Philadelphia a young ladies' school before their marriages. I believe the Lyman girls were born in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts, but couldn't find birth dates for any of them in church records for that area. The only evidence of birth/death dates I could find was a obituary for "Ann Ursula Wells Sitgreaves" in the Belvidere Intelligencer in 1854. I don't have any proof that this could be our Ann, but Ann's mother's maiden name was Welles, and Belvidere is not too far (1.5 hour drive) away from Philadelphia, where Ann reportedly lived until her death.
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