Person Information


Schott de Grunstein is a literary character from one of several legends that Henry relates to Frances in the 18330814 travel letter. He was engaged to Liba, daughter of Balther. However, they never got to marry because Balther incited the rage of God on both himself and his daughter causing her an early death. 

Letter References


Biography and Citation Information:
Schott de Grunstein is a literary character from one of several legends that Henry relates to Frances in the 18330814 travel letter. He was engaged to Liba, daughter of Balther. However, they never got to marry because Balther incited the rage of God on both himself and his daughter causing her an early death.
Citation Type: 
Book or Book Chapter
Book or Monograph Title: 
Legends of the Rhine
Author(s) or Editor(s): 
A. Hermann Bernard
Publisher Location: 
Gustav Quiel
Start Page: 
End Page: 
Citation for Birth Info:
Citation for Death Info: