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Henry Russell
Birth: 1812
Death: 12-8-1900
"Henry Russell began his musical career as a child singer in England. At the age of three, he sang in Robert Elliston's children's opera group. He began studying composition as a teenager with Bellini and Rossini in Italy, and studying with the Italian Bel Canto composers likely lead to a strong development of his melodic gifts. After moving to Canada and then the United States, Russell published his first song, "Wind of the Winter Night," in 1836. He made his debut as a singer in New York shortly after this publication, and from 1837-1841, Russell achieved great popularity touring the United States as a pianist/singer, performing his own songs. Russell engaged in another American tour in 1843, and Stephen Foster heard him sing in Pittsburgh. Russell returned to England permanently in 1845, but he had a lasting effect on American song and popular music."
Letter References
Biography and Citation Information:
"Henry Russell began his musical career as a child singer in England. At the age of three, he sang in Robert Elliston's children's opera group. He began studying composition as a teenager with Bellini and Rossini in Italy, and studying with the Italian Bel Canto composers likely lead to a strong development of his melodic gifts.
After moving to Canada and then the United States, Russell published his first song, "Wind of the Winter Night," in 1836. He made his debut as a singer in New York shortly after this publication, and from 1837-1841, Russell achieved great popularity touring the United States as a pianist/singer, performing his own songs. Russell engaged in another American tour in 1843, and Stephen Foster heard him sing in Pittsburgh. Russell returned to England permanently in 1845, but he had a lasting effect on American song and popular music."
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Title of Webpage:
Song of America: Henry Russell
Website Viewing Date:
Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 11:45
Website's Last Modified Date:
Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 11:45
Citation for Birth Info:
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Title of Webpage:
Ancestry Library: Henry Russell
Website Viewing Date:
Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 11:45
Website Last Modified Date:
Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 11:45
Citation for Death Info:
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Citation URL:
Title of Webpage:
Find A Grave: Henry Russell
Website Viewing Date:
Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 11:45
Website Last Modified Date:
Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 11:45