
  • Wroth


    1. Very angry

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Winebibber


    1. One who drinks much wine

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Widow's Weeds


    the black dress and veil traditionally worn by a widow

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Whist


    "1. Silent; mute; still; not speaking; not making a noise. 2. A game at cards, so called because it requires silence or close attention. It is not in America pronounced whisk.

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Whiffletree


    The bar to which harness traces are fastened, and by which a vehicle is drawn

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    whippletree; whipple-tree

  • Ween


    1. To imagine; to think; to fancy

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Wayfare


    1. To journey; to travel 2. The act of traveling; passage

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    wayfair, wayfarer, wayfaring, wayfares, wayfared, wayfarers

  • Vrouw


    1. A Dutch or Afrikaner woman 2. mistress

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Viz


    1. to wit; that is 2. One who, or that which, is opposite, or face to face with another 3. A carriage in which two persons face each other

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    viz a viz, vis, viza viz, vis a vis, visa vis

  • Vindicate


    1. To defend; to justify; to support or maintain as true or correct, against denial, censure, or objection 2. To assert; to defend with success; to maintain 3. To defend with arms 4. To avenge; to punish

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    vindication, vindicated, vindicative, vindicator, vindicatory, vindicable

  • Victuals


    1. To supply or store with provisions for subsistence

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    victual, victualing, victualer, victualed

  • Vicissitude


    1. Regular change or succession to another 2. Change; revolution

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    vicissitudes, vicissitudinary

  • Vex


    1. To irritate 2. To plague; to torment 3. To disturb; to disquiet 4. To trouble; to distress 5. To persecute 6. To stretch as by hooks 7. To fret

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    vext, vexed, vexingly, vexing, vexatiously, vexatiousness, vexatious, vexes

  • Vestry


    1. A room attached to a church in which the sacerdotal vestments and sacred utensils are kept, and where parochial meetings are held 2. A parochial assembly

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Veracity


    1. Habitual observance of truth 2. Invariable expression of truth

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Venire de novo


    1. A writ for summoning a new jury panel

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    venine de novo

  • Vendue


    1. A public auction

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Vegetate


    1. To sprout; to germinate; to grow

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    vegetates, vegetation, vegetated, vegetated, vegetative, vegetativeness, vegetating

  • Vegetable oyster


    1. Also known as Salsify. From the genus Tragopogon. A plant with an ornamental flower, edible root, and herbal properties

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    salsify, oyster plant, Jerusalem star, goatsbeard

  • Varioloid


    1. Name given to a disease resembling small pox

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Vapours


    1. Mental depression or hypochondria

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Vapour


    1. A substance in the gaseous state that is normally in the form of a solid or liquid 2. Any visible diffused substance floating in the atmosphere and impairing its transparency 3. Wind; flatulence 4. Something unsubstantial or fleeting 5. A disease of nervous debility, in which a variety of strange images float in the brain; depression of spirit 6. To pass off in fumes; to evaporate 7. To boast or vaunt with a vain display of worth; to boast

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    vapor, vapours, vapors

  • Vacillate


    1. To waver; to move one way and the other 2. To fluctuate in mind or opinion; to be unsteady or inconstant

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    vacillating, vacillates, vacillated

  • Urbanity


    1. That civility or courtesy of manners which is acquired by associating will well bred people; politeness; polished manners 2. Facetiousness

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    urbane, urbanize

  • Unostentatious


    1. Not boastful; modest 2. Not glaring; not showy

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Unburthen


    1. Not busy; idle

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Trammel


    1. A kind of long net used to capture birds or fishes 2. A kind of shackles used for regulating the motions of a horse 3. An iron hook of various forms and sizes used for hanging kettles and other vessels over a fire 4. An instrument for drawing ovals upon boards 5. To catch to intercept 6. To confine; to hamper

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Traduce


    1. To represent as blamable; to condemn 2. To calumniate; to vilify; to defame; willfully to misrepresent 3. To propagate; to continue by deriving one from another

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    traduces, traduced

  • Tittle


    1. A small particle; a minute part; an iota; a jot

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Tiger


    1. A fierce and rapacious animal of the genus Felis, one of the largest and most terrible of the genus, inhabiting Africa and Asia 2. A servant in livery, who rides with his master or mistress 3. A kind of growl or screech after cheering 4. A box or pan used in sugar refining

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Termine


    1. To terminate

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    termined, termines, termining

  • Teasel


    1. A plant of the genus Dipsacus, one kind of which bears a large burr which is used for raising a nap on woolen cloth 2. The burr of the plant

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    teasels, teaseler, teaselers

  • Taper


    1. A small wax candle; or a small light 2. Becoming small towards one end 3. To diminish or become gradually smaller towards one end 4. To make gradually smaller in diameter

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    tapers, tapered, tapering, taperness

  • Table-moving


    1. The movement of a table attributed by spiritualists to the power of spirits working through a group of persons placing their hands or fingers on the table top

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    table-turning, table-tilting, table-tapping, table-tipping

  • Table d'hote


    1. French for "host table"

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    table dhot, table d hote, table d'hôte, table dhote

  • Sybaritic


    1. Luxurious; wanton

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Sutler


    1. A person who follows an army and sells to the troops provisions and liquors

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Suspense account


    1. An account in the books of an organization in which terms are entered temporarily before allocation to the correct or final account

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    suspense accounts

  • Surtout


    1. A man's coat to be worn over his other garments

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Surplice


    1. A white garment worn over a dress by the clergy of the Roman Catholic church, Episcopalian, and other churches in their ministrations

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Surmise


    1. To suspect; to imagine without certain knowledge 2. Suspicion; the thought or imagination that something may be, of which however there is no certain or strong evidence

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    surmises, surmising, surmiser, surmisal, surmised, surmisers

  • Suppurate


    1. Undergo the formation of pus; fester

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    suppurative, suppurating, suppuration, supperates, supperated

  • Superintend


    1. To have or exercise the charge and oversight of; to oversee with the power of direction; to take care of with authority

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    superintendence, superintended, superintends, superintendent, superintending, superintendents

  • Superannuate


    1. To impair or disquality by old age and infirmity 2. To last beyond the year

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    superannuated, superannuation, superannuates, superannuating

  • Sumpter


    an animal (such as horse) used to carry baggage or loads

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Stomacher


    1. An ornament or support to the breast that is worn by women 2. One who stomachs

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Stoic


    1. A disciple of the philosopher, Zeno who taught that men should be free from passion, unmoved by emotion, and submit to unavoidable necessities 2. Unfeeling; indifferent to pleasure or pain

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Stereoscope


    1. An optical instrument that gives pictures the appearance of solid forms, as seen in nature. It combines through a blending of light rays, two photos, taken from points of views a little ways apart. It is furnished with two eyeglasses

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Stentorian


    1. Extremely loud 2. Able to utter a very loud sound

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Stannary


    1. relating to the tin works 2. a tin mine

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Squill


    1. A plant of the genus Scilla that has large acrid bulbous roots like an onion which is used in medicine 2. A fish, or rather a crustaceous animal, of the genus Cancer 3. An insect that resembles the squill fish, having a long body covered with a crust, the head broad and squat

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Squib


    1. A little pipe or hollow cylinder of paper, filled with powder or combustible matter and sent into the air, bursting with a crack; a cracker 2. A sarcastic speech or little censorious writing published 3. A pretty fellow 4. To utter sarcastic or severe reflections; to contend in petty dispute

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    squibs, squibbing

  • Spright


    1. A spirit; a shade; a soul; an incorporeal agent 2. A walking spirit; an apparition 3. Power which gives cheerfulness or courage 4. An arrow 5. To haunt

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    sprightly, sprightful, sprightfully, sprightfulness, sprightliness

  • Spiculate


    1. To sharpen to a point 2. Covered with small points, as pointed fleshy appendages; divided into small spikelets

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    spiculates, spiculated, spiculating

  • Somnolence


    1. Sleepiness; drowsiness; inclination to sleep

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Skiff


    1. A small light boat 2. To pass over in a light boat

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Skein


    1. a knot, or a number of knots, of thread, silk, or yarn; a quantity of yarn after it is taken from the reel

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Shave paper


    1. archaic: paper used to clean a razor

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Serge


    1. A woolen twilled fabric 2. A large candle used in the ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Sepulture


    1. Burial; interment

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Seidlitz


    1. Powders composed of tartrate of potassa, bicarbonate of soda, and tartaric acid. These components are dissolved in water and when mixed make a bubbly drink

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Segar


    19th century variant spelling of cigar

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Sedan


    1. A portable chair or cover vehicle for carrying a single person

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Secesh


    1. a US secessionist 2. of or relating to U.S. secessionists or secessionism

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Scruple


    1. Doubt; hesitation from the difficulty of determining what is right or expedient; reluctance to decide or act 2. A weight of twenty grains, the third part of a dram 3. Proverbially, a very small quantity 4. In Chaldean chronology, the 1/1080 part of an hour; a division of time used by the Jews, Arabs etc 5. To doubt; to hesitate; to question in belief

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    scrupling, scrupler, scrupulosity, scrupulous, scrupulously, scrupulousness, scrupled

  • Scrofula


    1. A disease, called vulgarly the king's evil, characterized by hard, scirrous, and often indolent tumors in the glands of the neck, under the chin, in the arm-pits, etc.

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Sapsago


    a very hard green skim-milk cheese, which includes blue fenugreek

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Sapience


    1. Wisdom; sageness; knowledge

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    sapient, sapiently, sapiential

  • Sanguine


    1. Destitute of blood; pale 2. Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Sally


    1. An issue or rushing of troops from a besieged place to attack the besiegers 2. A spring or darting of intellect, fancy, or imagination 3. Excursion from the usual track 4. Act of levity or extravagance 5. To issue or rush out, as a body of troops from a fortified place to attack besiegers 6. To issue suddenly

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    sallied, sallying, sallies

  • Sagacity


    1. Applied to animals - quickness or acuteness of scent [2. Quickness or acuteness of discernment or penetration; readiness of apprehension; the faculty of readily discerning and distinguishing ideas, and of separating truth from falsehoo

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    sagacious, sagaciously, sagaciousness

  • Rod


    1. A unit of measurement

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Rob


    1. To take away from by force 2. A thick juice of ripe fruit that is often mixed with honey or sugar

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Rheumatism


    1. A painful disease affecting muscles and joints of the human body, chiefly the larger joints, as the hips, knees, and shoulders

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Retrograde


    1. Going or moving backwards 2. In astronomy, apparently moving backward and contrary to the succession of the signs 3. Declining from a better to a worse state

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    retrograded, retrogrades, retrogradation, retrograding

  • Restif


    1. Unwilling to go, or only running back 2. Unyielding 3. Stubborn horse

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    restiff, restive, restifness, restiveness

  • Repugnance


    1. Opposite; contrary; inconsistent

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    repugnantly, repugnant

  • Remunerate


    1. To reward; to recompense; to requite; in a good sense

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    remunerates, remunerated, remunerating, remunerability, remunerable, remunerative, remuneration, remuneratory, remunerative

  • Remonstrate


    1. To exhibit or present strong reasons against an act, measure of any course of proceedings 2. To suggest urgent reasons in opposition to a measure 3. To show by a strong representation of reasons

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    remonstrance, remonstrated, remonstrates, remonstrant, remonstrating, remonstrator, remonstration

  • Remit


    1. To relax as intensity; to make less tense or violent 2. To forgive; to surrender the right of punishing a crime 3. To pardon, as a fault or crime 4. to give up; to resign 5. To send back 6. To transmit money, bills, or other things in payment for goods 7. To restore 8. To slacken 9. To abate in violence for a time

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    remittal, remittance, remitment, remitter, remitting

  • Reluctate


    1. To resist; to struggle against

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    reluctation, reluctates, reluctated, reluctating

  • Relicta


    1. Latin for "abandoned"

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Regatta


    1. A rowing competition

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Rector


    1. A ruler or governor 2. A clergyman who has the charge and cure of a parish 3. The chief elective officer of some universities 4. The superior officer or chief of a convent or religious house

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Quondam


    1. Having been formerly; former

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Quires


    1. A body of singers; chorus 2. The part of the church where the service is sung 3. A collection of paper consisting of twenty four sheets, each having a single fold 3. To sing in concert or chorus

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Quinsy


    1. An inflammation of the throat; a species of angina which renders respiration difficult 2. An inflammation of the fauces, especially the tonsils

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Quadrille


    1. A game played by 4 people with 40 cards. 2. A kind of dance

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    quadril, cadril

  • Purser


    1. In the navy, an officer who has charge of the provisions of a ship of war, and attends to their preservation and distribution among the officers and crew

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Pulmonary


    1. Pertaining or affecting the lungs 2. A plant; lungwort

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Puerile


    1. Boyish; childish

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Psalter


    1. The book of Psalms 2. In Romish countries, a large chaplet or rosary, consisting of a hundred and fifty beads, according to the number of the psalms

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Protract


    1. To draw out or lengthen in time; to continue; to prolong; as, to protract an argument; to protract a discussion 2. To delay; to defer; to put off to a distant time

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Proscribe


    1. To doom to destruction; to put one out of the protection of law, and promise a reward for his head 2. To put out the protection of the law 3. To denounce and condemn as dangerous and not worthy of reception 4. To censure and condemn as unworthy of reception 5. To interdict

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    proscribed, proscribing, proscriber, proscription, proscriptive

  • Proprietor


    1. The person who has the legal right or exclusive right to any thing whether in possession or not

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Propitious


    1. Disposed to be gracious or merciful; ready to forgive sins and bestow blessings 2. Favorable

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    propitiously, propitiousness

  • Promenade


    1. A walk for amusement or exercise 2. A place for walking

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    promenades, promenader, promenaders

  • Presentiment


    1. Previous conception, sentiment, or opinion; previous apprehension of something future

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    presentimental, presentiments,

  • Precipitate


    1. To throw headlong 2. To urge or press with eagerness or violence 3. To hasten 4. To throw or fall to the bottom of a vessel

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    precipitated, precipitately, precipitating, precipitation, precipitator

  • Prebendary


    1. A clergyman who enjoys a prebend (the stipend or maintenance granted out of the estate of a cathedral)

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Pour dire Adieu


    1. French for "to say goodbye"

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Poultice


    1. A soft composition of various materials, as meal, bran, or a mucilaginous substance, to be applied to sores, inflamed parts of the body, and the likes

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Postillion


    1. A person who rides or guides the first pair of horses in a coach or other carriage

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    postilion, postilions, postillions

  • Posset


    1. Milk curdled with wine or other liquor 2. To curdle; to turn

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Poltroon


    1. A coward 2. Vile; contemptible

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    poltroons, poltroonery, poltroonish

  • Plod


    1. To travel or work slowly or with steady laborious diligence 2. To study heavily with steady diligence 3. To toil; to drudge

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    plodding, plodder, plods, plodded

  • Pithy


    1. Containing concentrated force; energetic 2. Uttering energetic words or expressions

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Pistle


    1. An epistle 2. A short lesson, lecture, or exhortation

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Pipe of madeira


    1. A rich wine made on the isle of Madeira

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Pinks


    A type of flower in the Dianthus genus in the Caryophyllaceae family

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Phiz


    1. A face or expression

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Philopena


    1. A game in which a man and woman who have shared the twin kernels of a nut each try to claim a gift from the other as a forfeit at their next meeting by fulfilling certain conditions 2. nut with two kernels; gift given as a forfeit

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Phaeton


    1. In mythology, the son of Phoebus and Clymene, or of Cephalus and Aurora, that is, the son of the light or the sun 2. An open carriage, on four wheels, drawn by two horses 3. In ornithology, a genus of fowls, the tropic bird

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Pettifog


    1. To do small business, as a lawyer 2. The practice of a lawyer who deals in petty cases; the practice of an inferior attorney employed in mean professional business

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    pettyfogging, pettifogger, pettyfogger, pettifogging, pettifoggery, pettyfoggery, pettifogs, pettyfogs, pettifogged

  • Pestilence


    1. A fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    pestilent, pestilential, pestilently

  • Peruse


    1. To read with attention 2. To observe; to examine with careful survey

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    perusal, perused, peruses, perusing, peruser, perusers

  • Pertinence


    1. Justness of relation to the subject or matter in hand; fitness; appositeness; suitableness

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    pertinency, pertinent, pertinently, pertinentness

  • Persuant


    1. In accordance with a law, legal document, or resolution 2. Following; going in pursuit

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Perspicuity


    1. Transparency; clearness; that quality of a substance which renders objects visible through it 2. Easiness to be understood; that quality of writing or language which readily presents to the mind of another the precise ideas of the author

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    perspicuous, perspicuously, perspicuousness

  • Perquisite


    1. A fee or pecuniary allowance to an officer for services, beyond his ordinary salary or settled wages

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Perforce


    1. By force or violence

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Peregrinate


    1. To travel from place to place, or from one country to another; to live in a foreign country

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    peregrinated, peregrinates, peregrination, peregrinations, peregrinating

  • Perambulate


    1. To walk through or over; to traverse for the purpose of surveying or examining something

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    perambulation, perambulations, perambulator, perambulators, perambulates, perambulated, perambulating

  • Peradventure


    1. By chance; perhaps; it may be

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Pelisse


    1. Originally referred to a furred robe or coat but then was used to refer to a silk coat or habit worn by ladies

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Pecuniary


    1. Relating to money 2. Consisting of money

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Patroon


    1. A person given certain tracts of land with manorial privileges and right of entail, under the old Dutch governments of New York and New Jersey

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Paregoric


    1. Mitigating; assuaging pain 2. A medicine that mitigates pain

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Paper of tacks


    1. Folding paperboard package—forerunner to the folding cartons of today

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Panegyric


    1. An oration or eulogy in praise of some distinguished person or achievement; a formal or elaborate encomium 2. praise bestowed on some eminent person, action, or virtue 3. Containing praise or eulogy; encomiastic

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    panegyrics, panegyrize, panegyrist, panegyrists, panegyrized, panegyrizing, panegyrizing

  • Palmiest


    1. Prosperous, flourishing, or luxurious 2. Relating to palms

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Orthography


    1. The art or practice of writing words with the proper letters, according to common usage 2. The part of grammar which treats of the nature and properties of letters, and of the art of writing words correctly 3. The delineation of an object, as the front or section of a building, by lines and angles corresponding to those of the object; an elevation, showing all the parts in their proper proportions

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    orthographic, orthographically, orthographer, orthographers

  • Orgie


    1. Frantic revels at the feast in honor of Bacchus, or the feast itself often held in the night

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Offscourings


    1. That which is scoured off; hence, refuse; rejected matter; that which is vile or deprised

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Oakum


    1. The substance of old ropes untwisted and pulled into loose hemp; used for caulking the seams of ships, stopping leaks, etc

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Neuralgia


    1. A disease, the chief symptom of which is a very acute pain, exacerbating or intermitting, which follows the course of a nervous branch, extends to its ramifications, and seems therefore to be seated in the nerve

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Nepenthe


    1. A drug or medicine that drives away pain and grief

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Nabob


    1. A deputy or viceroy in India; a governor of a province of the Mogul Empire 2. One who returns to Europe from the east with immense wealth; and generally, a wealthy and luxurious man; one rolling in wealth and luxury

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    nabobize, nabobs

  • Mousseline du laine


    1. A woolen fabric of very light texture

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    mousseline de laine

  • Mought


    1. The obsolete preterite of may

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Mottoes


    1. Candy

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Mortgage


    1. The charging of property by a debtor to a creditor as security for a debt, on the condition that it shall be returned on the payment of the debt within a certain period 2. convey property to a creditor as security on a loan

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    mortgages, mortgaging, mortgaged, mortgagee, mortgager, mortgagers

  • Minaret


    1. A small steeple or spire on mosques

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Mephitic gas


    1. (especially of a gas or vapour) foul-smelling; noxious; 2. air exhausted of oxygen and containing chiefly nitrogen; 3. carbon dioxide

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    mephitic air

  • Melancholy


    1. Depressed in spirits; dejected; gloomy; dismal 2. Producing great evil and grief; causing dejection; calamitous; afflictive 3. Grave looking; somber

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    melancholic, melancholiness, melancholily, melancholious, melancholist, melancholize, melancholists, melancholizes, melancholized

  • Mauvais ton


    1. French for: Bad manners; ill breeding

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Mauger


    1. In opposition; in spite of 2. To defy

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Matronize


    1. To guide and protect a young lady in public, by a matron 2. to preside as a matron over 3. to act as a matron to or toward: superintend or attend in the capacity of a matron

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Matron


    1. Elderly married woman, or an elderly lady; the female head of a household 2. In an especial sense, a nurse in a hospital

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    Matronize, matronly, matronal

  • Matin


    1. Pertaining to the morning 2. Morning worship or service; morning prayers or song

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Mason


    1. A man whose occupation is to lay bricks and stones 2. A member of the fraternity of the free masons

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    masonry, masonic

  • Manufaclined


    1. Manufactured

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Mantuamaker


    1. One who makes gowns for ladies

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    mantua maker

  • Mantelet


    1. A small cloak worn by women 2. A musket proof shield used for the protection of gunmen

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Mandamus


    1. A writ issued by a superior court and directed to some inferior tribunal, or to some corporation or person exercising public authority, commanding the performance of some specified duty

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Malediction


    1. Evil speaking; a curse

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Macadamize


    1. To cover, as a road, way, or path, with small, broken stones, so as to form a smooth, hard surface

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    macadamized, macadamised, macadamise, macadamization, macadamisation

  • Lydian


    1. Noting a kind of soft slow music anciently in vogue 2. Lydian stone, a flint stone used by the ancients to try gold and silver

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Lowery


    1. Cloudy; gloomy

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Lost a foot


    1. Turned an ankle

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Locum tenens


    1. A deputy or substitute filling a vacant office for a time

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Loco Foco


    1. A friction match 2. A member of the democratic party

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    loco focos, locofoco, locofocos

  • Liturgy


    1. In a general sense, all public ceremonies that belong to divine service

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Lief


    1.gladly; willingly; freely

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Levity


    1. Lightness; the want of weight in a body, compared with another that is heavier 2. Lightness of temper or conduct; unsteadiness 3. Want of due consideration; vanity 4. Gaiety of mind; want of seriousness

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Levee


    1. a reception, usually in someone's honor 2. a reception of visitors held on rising from bed, as formerly by a royal or other personage

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Lethean


    1. Inducing forgetfulness or oblivion

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Lenity


    1. Mildness of temper; softness; tenderness; mercy

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Leghorn


    1. A kind of straw hat

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Laudanum


    1. Opium dissolved in spirit or wine

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    laudnum, laudanums

  • Lapstone


    1. A stone for the lap, on which shoemakers beat leather

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Lanthorn


    1. An archaic word for lantern

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Languor


    1. Feebleness; that state of the body which is induced by exhaustion of strength, as by disease, by extraordinary exertion, by the relaxing effect of heat, or by weakness of any cause 2. Dullness of the intellectual faculty; listlessness 3. Softness; laxity

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    languorous, languorously, languorousness

  • Languid


    1. Flagging; drooping; weak; feeble; heavy; dull 2. Slow 3. Dull; heartless

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    languidly, languidness

  • Lang syne


    1. Long ago

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Landaulette


    1. A chariot opening at top

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    landaulet, landaulettes

  • Lancers


    a set of five quadrilles; the music for such dances

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Lambent


    1. Playing about; touching lightly; gliding over

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Kneepan


    1. The round bone on the forepart of the knee (kneecap)

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Kit-cat size


    1. A canvas used for portraits of a peculiar size, twenty-eight or nine inches by thirty-six

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Jot


    1. A small particle; a minute part; an iota; a tittle

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Jenkins


    A British term for a society reporter; widely used in the United States as a mocking term for an overly prying reporter.

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Jaune Mange


    a variation of blancmange, which was a white milk pudding. Jaune mange includes egg yolks, giving it a yellow color. A popular 18th century dessert.

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Janders


    A yellow pigmentation of the skin; a disease characterized by jaundice

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Jalap


    1. The root of a plant, species Convolvulus. Has little or no taste or smell but is used often as powders in cathartic

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Intimate


    1. Inmost; inward 2. Near; close 3. Close in friendship or acquaintance 4. One to whom the thoughts of another are shared without reserve 5. To share together 6. To hint; to suggest obscurely; to give slight notice of

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    intimated, intimates, intimating

  • Interdict


    1. To forbid; to prohibit 2. To forbid communion; to cut off from the enjoyment of communion with a church 3. A papal prohibition by which the clergy are restrained from performing divine service; a species of ecclesiastical censure 4. A papal prohibition by which persons are restrained from attending divine service, or prevented from enjoying some privilege

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    interdicts, interdicted, interdicting, interdiction, interdictive, interdictory

  • Inter


    1. To bury; to deposit and cover in the earth 2. To cover with earth

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    inters, interment, interred, interring, interments

  • Inst


    1. Abbreviation of instant with reference to time 2. Abbreviation for instante mense, meaning a date of the current month

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Insipid


    1. Tasteless; destitute of taste; wanting the qualities which affect the organs of taste 2. Wanting spirit, life, or animation; wanting pathos, or the power of exciting emotions 3. Wanting power to gratify desire

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    insipidity, insipidness

  • Induce


    1. To lead in; to bring into view; to introduce 2. To influence; to move by persuasion or influence 3. To effect; to cause 4. To cause by proximity without contact or transmission by the approach of another body in an opposite electric or magnetic state (physics)

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    induces, induced, inducement, inducements

  • Indolent


    1. Inactive; idle 2. Free from pain

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    indolence, indolently

  • Indefatigable


    1. Unwearied; not tired; not exhausted by labor

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    indefatigably, indefatigableness

  • Inculpate


    1. To bring or expose to blame 2. To accuse of crime

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    inculpated, inculpating, inculpates, inculpation, inculpatory

  • Incommode


    1. To give inconvenience to

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    incommoded, incommoding, incommodious, incommodiously, incommodiousness, incommodity, incommodes, incommodity, incommodes

  • In re


    1. Latin for "concerning"

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Impute


    1. To charge; to attribute; to set to the account of; generally ill, sometimes good 2. To attribute; to ascribe 3. To reckon to one what does not belong to him

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    imputation, imputed, imputing, imputes, imputable, imputableness, imputer, imputers, imputative

  • Importune


    1. To request with urgency; to urge with frequent or unceasing application 2. Pressing in request; urgent; troublesome by frequent demands 3. Unseasonable

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    importunities, importunity, importunes, importuned, importunate, importunate, importunately, importunacy, importunateness, importunator

  • Implacable


    1. Not placable; not to be appeased; incapable of being pacified; stubborn or constant in enmity 2. Incapable of being relieved or quieted; inextinguishable

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    implacableness, implacably, implacability

  • Immolate


    1. To sacrifice; to kill, as a victim offered for sacrifice

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    immolated, immolates, immolation, immolations, immolating

  • Hypo


    1. A Greek preposition for under, beneath 2. A morbid depression of the spirits

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Homeopathy


    1. The theory and its practice that disease is cured by remedies which produce on a healthy person effects similar to the symptoms of the complaint under which the patient suffers, the remedies being usually administered in minute doses

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    homeopath, homeopathic, homeopathist, homeopathically

  • High feather


    1. In good form, humor, health, or spirits

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Hardtack


    1. Sea bread

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Hardtack


    1. Sea bread

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Hackstand


    a place to hire a carriage

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Habiliments


    1. Garments; clothing; dress

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Gutta percha case


    case for a daguerreotype

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Gull


    1. To deceive; to cheat; to trick; to defraud 2. A cheating or cheat; a cheat; a trick 3. A marine fowl of the genus Larus

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    gulls, gulled, gulling

  • Grotto


    1. A natural covered opening in the ground; a cavern; artificial cave or cavern-alike apartment

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Grocery


    food and supplies sold by a grocer; a grocer's store

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Gratuitous


    1. Free; voluntary; granted without claim or merit 2. Asserted or taken without proof

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    gratuitously, gratuitousness

  • Gourmand


    1. A greedy or ravinish eater

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    gourmandize, gourmandizes, gourmands

  • Gore


    1. Blood, but generally thick or clotted blood 2. Dirt; mud 3. A triangular piece of cloth sewed into a garment to widen it in any part 4. A slip or triangular piece of land 5. An abatement denoting a coward 6. To stab; pierce

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Globule


    1. A little globe; a small particle of matter in spherical form 2. A small, flat, and circular body found in the blood of animals; one of the disks found in the blood consisting of hematine and globuline

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Gilder


    1. One whose job is to overlay things with gold 2. A Dutch coin

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    guilder, gilders, guilders, gild, gilds, gilded

  • Gig


    1. To fish with a harpoon 2. Any little thing that is whirled around in play 3. A light carriage with one pair of wheels, drawn by one horse; a chair 4. A fiddle 5. A dart or harpoon 6. A ship's boat 7. A wanton girl

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Genteel


    1. Polite; having the manners of well bred people 2. Graceful in form; elegant in appearance, dress or manner

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    genteelly, genteelness

  • Gayety


    1. mirth; merriment; acts or entertainments prompted by, or inspiring merry delight 2. Finery; show

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    gayeties, gaiety

  • Gay


    1. Excited with merriment or delight 2. Having many or showy colors 3. An ornament

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Garner


    1. A granary; a building or place where grain is stored for preservation 2. To store in a granary

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Gaman


    1. Japanese for perseverance; patience; tolerance; self-denial

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Gaiter


    1. A covering of cloth for the leg

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Furlough


    1. Leave of absence, especially concerning to a soldier 2. To grant a leave of absence to

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Freshet


    1.A flood or overflowing of a river, by means of heavy rains or melted snow 2. A stream of fresh water

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Freemason


    1. One of the fraternity of masons

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    freemasonry, freemasonic, freemasons

  • Fractitious


    1. Apt to break out into a passion 2. apt to quarrel

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    fractiously, fractiousness

  • Forenoon


    1. The former part of the day, from the morning to the noon

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Foolscap


    1. A kind of paper of small size

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Flurry


    1. A sudden blast or gust 2. A sudden shower of duration 3. Agitation; nervous

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    flurried, flurries

  • Floater


    1. One that floats or swims

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Feudatory


    1. A tenant who holds his lands of a superior, on condition of military service

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Fete


    1. Festival 2. A lavish often outdoor entertainment 3. A large elaborate party 4. To honor or commemorate with a fete 5. To pay high honor to

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Ferriage


    1. The price or fare to be paid at a ferry; the compensation established or paid for conveyance over a river or lake in a boat

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Ferman


    1. An Asiatic word, denoting a passport, permit, license, or grant of privileges

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Felon


    a whitlow; a painful swelling formed in the periosteum at the end of the finger; a painful abscess of the deep tissues of the palmar surface of the fingertip that is typically caused by bacterial infection and is marked by swelling and pain

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Felicity


    1. Great happiness; blessedness; appropriately, the joy of heavens 2. Prosperity; enjoyment of good

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    felicitous, felicitously, felicitate, felicitated, felicitating, felicitation

  • Fastidious


    1. Disdainful; squeamish; difficult to please 2. Rejecting what is common or not very nice

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    fastidiously, fastidiousness

  • Fain


    1. Glad; pleased; rejoiced; often used to describe pleasure to do something out of a kind of necessity 2. to wish or desire

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    faining, fains, fained

  • Fagend


    1. The end of a web of cloth; usually of coarser material 2. The refuse or meaner part of anything 3. Among seamen, the untwisted end of a rope

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Factotum


    1. A servant employed to do all kinds of work

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Facetious


    1. Merry; sportive; sprightly with wit and good humor 2. Witty; exciting laughter

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    facetiously, facetiousness

  • Exptempore


    1. Without previous study or meditation; without preparation; suddenly

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    extemporaneous, extemporaneously, extemporaneousness

  • Expiate


    1. To extinguish the guilt of by sufferance of penalty or some equivalent; to make satisfaction or reparation for; to atone for

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    expiatory, expiated, expiated, expiator, expiates

  • Expeditious


    1. Nimble; active; swift

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    expeditiously, expeditiousness

  • Expatiate


    1. To open at large; to wander in space without restraint 2. To enlarge in discourse or writing

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    expatiated, expatiating, expatiation, expatiator, expatiates

  • Exequatur


    1. A written recognition of a consul or commercial agent, issued by the government, and authorizing him to exercise his powers in the country

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Excursion


    1. Deviating from a stated or settled path 2. Progression beyond fix limits 3. Digression; wandering from a subject or main design 4. An expedition or journey into a distant part

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    excursions, excursionist, excursional, excursionary, excursionists

  • Evince


    1. To show in a clear manner; to prove beyond any reasonable doubt 2. to conquer

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    evinced, evincive, evincible, evincibly

  • Erysipelas


    1. A bacterial infection

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Ere


    1. Before; sooner

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Equinoctial


    1. Pertaining to the equinoxes; designating an equal length of night and day 2. Pertaining to regions or climates near the equinoctial line (equator) 3. flowers that open at a regular, stated hour

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Epistle


    1. A writing directed or sent, communicating intelligence to a distant person; a letter

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Ennui


    1. A feeling of weariness and disgust; tedium; listlessness

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Engross


    1. To make thick 2. To make larger; to increase in bulk 3. To take the whole 4. To purchase with a view to sell again 5. To copy in a large hand; to write a fair, correct copy 6. To take or assume in undue quantities or degrees

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    engrossed, engrossedly, engrossing, engrosses, engrossment, engrosser

  • En famille


    1. Italian for "in or with one's family"

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Emetic


    1. Inducing to vomit 2. A medicine that provokes vomiting

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    emetick, emetically, emitic, emitically

  • Ejectment


    1. Literally, a casting out; a dispossession 2. In law, a writ or action which lies for the recovery of possession of land from which the owner has been ejected

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Eh bien


    1. French for "oh well"

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Efficacy


    1. Power to produce effects

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Economy


    1. The management of domestic affairs; the regulation and government of household matters, especially as they concern expense or disbursement 2. The internal, and especially pecuniary management of any undertaking, corporation, state, or the like 3. The system of rules and regulations by which anything is managed 4. Thrifty and frugal housekeeping

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    economic, economically, economical, economics

  • Ebullient


    1. Boiling over as a liquor 2. Manifesting exhilaration or excitement

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    ebullition, ebulliently, ebulliency

  • E'en


    1. Even

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Dyspepsia


    1. A state of the stomach in which its functions are disturbed, without the presence of other diseases, or if others are presented, they are of minor importance. Its symptoms are loss of appetite, nausea, heart-burn, acrid or fetid eructations, a sense of weight or fullness in the stomach etc. It is usually dependent on irregularity of living

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Dun


    1. Of a dark color, often dark brown 2. Dark, gloomy 3. To call for payment for a debt 4. To urge 5. A creditor who urges for payment 6. A written demand for payment 7. A mound

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    duns, dunning, dunned,

  • Ducat


    1. A coin of several European countries

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Doughface


    1. A northern congressmen not opposed to slavery in the South before or during the American civil war 2. a Northerner sympathetic to the South during the same period

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Diver


    1. One who dives 2. One who goes deeply into a study or business 3. A bird of certain genera, remarkable for their habit of diving, as Colymbus, or of the allied family Podicipince; the northern diver, Colymbus glacialis

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Dissipate


    1. To scatter; to disperse; to separate into parts and disappear 2. To expend; to squander; to scatter property in wasteful extravagance 3. To scatter the attention

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    dissipates, dissipating, dissipated, dissipation

  • Disquisition


    1. A formal inquiry into any subject or discussion of the facts and circumstances that might reveal the truth

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Dishabille


    1. An undress; a loose negligent dress for the morning

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    dishabil, dishablis, dishabilles

  • Discourse


    a verbal interchange of ideas; a formal and orderly expression of thought on a subject; the capacity of orderly thought or procedure; to give forth music

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Dimity


    1. A kind of white cotton cloth, ribbed or figured

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Diffident


    1. Distrustful; doubting of anothers power, disposition, sincerity, or intention 2. Distrustful of ones self; not confident 3. Reserved; modest; timid

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    diffidence, diffidentness, diffidently

  • Dieu vous garde


    1. French for "God keep you"

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Devoir


    a formal act of respect or civility; duty, responsibility

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Despond


    1. To be cast down; to be depressed or dejected in spirits 2. To lose all courage, spirit, or resolution

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    despondency, despondence, despondent, desponding, despondingly

  • Depredate


    1. To subject to plunder and pillage 2. To destroy by eating; devour 3. To commit waste

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    depredated, depredating, depredator, depredatory

  • Denominate


    1. To name; to give a name or epithet to

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Demur


    1. To linger; to stay 2. To delay; to pause; to suspend proceedings in view of a doubt or difficulty 3. In law, to raise an objection in any point of the hearings 4. To doubt of

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    demurred, demurring, demurrer

  • Dehors


    1. Out of; without; foreign to; out of agreement, record, will, or other instrument

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Decalogue


    1. The ten commandments or precepts given by God to Moses at Mount Sinai, and originally written on two tables of stone

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • De bene nesse


    1. Conditionally ; provisionally ; in anticipation of future need

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Cutter


    1a. A ship's boat for carrying light passengers 1b. A single-masted fore-and-aft rigged sailing vessel 1c. A small armed vessel in government service 2. A light, horse-drawn sleigh

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Croup


    1. The hinder part or buttocks of certain quadrupeds, especially of a horse; hence, the place behind the saddle 2. An inflammatory affection of the larynx or trachea accompanied by a horse ringing cough and difficult respiration. In the form in which it attacks chiefly young children, it is known as Cynanche tracheates, and it is apt to be attended with the formation of a false membrane which lines the trachea beneath the glottis, and tends to produce suffocation

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Creep


    1. To crawl 2. To move slowly, feebly 3. To move secretly 4. To steal in; to move forward unheard and unseen 5. To move or behave with servility

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    creeps, crept, creeping

  • Cravat


    1. A neckcloth; a piece of fine muslin, silk or other cloth, worn by men about the neck

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Coupe


    a four-wheeled closed horse-drawn carriage for two persons with a seat for the driver outside in front

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Cotelette


    1. French for a "cutlet or chop of meat"

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Cot


    A small house or hut

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Coronach


    1. Improvised singing at a Scottish wake

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Contumely


    1. Rudeness or reproach compounded of haughtiness and contempt; insolence; contemptuous language

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    contumelious, contumeliously, contumeliousness

  • Contrite


    1. Worn or bruised; deeply affected with grief and sorrow for having offended God; humble

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    contrition, contritely, contritely

  • Consumption


    1. The act of consuming by use, waste, dissipation, and decay; destruction 2. The state of being wasted or diminished; waste; diminution; loss 3. A gradual decay or diminution of the body; especially the disease called phthisis pulmonalis (pulmonary consumption), a disease seated in the lungs, attended with a hectic fever, cough etc

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    consume, consumes, consumed

  • Consternation


    1. Amazement or horror that confounds the faculties, and incapacitiates for consideration; excessive terror, wonder, or surprise; dismay

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Conscript


    1. Enrolled; written; registered 2. One taken by lot from the conscription list, and compelled to serve as a soldier or sailor

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    conscript, conscriptable, conscripted, conscription

  • Condign


    1. Deserved; suitable; often applied to punishment 2. Worthy; merited

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Comtroll


    1. To count or compute, and a register

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    comptroller, comptrollers, comptrolls, comptrolled, comptrolling

  • Compromit


    1. To pledge or engage, by some act or declaration; to promise 2. To put to hazard, by some previous act or measure, which can not be refilled

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    compromited, compromits, compromiting

  • Commissary


    1. An officer or delegate

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Commiserate


    1. To feel sorrow, pain, or regret for; to be sorry for

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    commiserable, commiseration, commiserative, commiseratively, commiserator

  • Colorable


    1. Speciously; plausibly; with a fair external appearance.

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Colloquy


    1. The mutual discourse of two or more; conference; dialogue

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    colloquies, colloquist

  • Collop


    1. A small slice of meat; a piece of flesh 2. A part or piece of anything

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Colic


    1. An acute pain in the abdomen or bowels, growing more severe at intervals 2. Affecting the bowels

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Cicisbeo


    1. A man who is known to flirt or be the lover of a married woman

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Chirography


    1. The act of writing

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    chirographer, chirographers, chirographic, chirographically

  • Charlotte Russe


    1. A dessert made by lining a mold with sponge cake or ladyfingers and filling it with Bavarian cream 2. A simpler version of this, consisting of a small piece of sponge cake topped with whipped cream and a candied cherry

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Chaplain


    1. An ecclesiastic who has a chapel, or who performs service in a chapel 2. A clergyman who is attached to a ship of war, to an army, to some public institution, or to a family, for the purpose of performing divine service

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    chaplaincy, chaplainship

  • Chap-fallen


    1. Having the lower chap depressed; dejected; dispirited; silenced

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    chapfallen, chop-fallen, chop fallen, chopfallen

  • Chancery


    1. The highest court of judicature next to the parliament. It exercises jurisdiction at law, but chief in equity 2. A court of equity; equity; proceedings in equity

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Challis


    1. An elegant, twilled, fine woolen fabric, used for ladies' dresses

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Celerity


    1. Rapidity of motion; swiftness; speed

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Cat under the meal


    1. A cold critic in the garb of a disciple

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Caryatides


    1. Figures of women, serving to support entablatures

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    caryatide, caryatid, caryatids

  • Cardinal


    1. Of fundamental importance; superior 2. One of seventy ecclesiastical princes who constitute the Pope's council from among and by whom the Pope is elected 3. A woman's short cloak

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    cardinals, cardinalate, cardinalates, cardinalship, cardinalships

  • Canty


    1. Cheerful, sprightly

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Camphine


    1. Pure oil of turpentine, a compound of eight parts Hydrogen and 10 parts Carbon, that is used for burning in lamps and is the common solvent in varnishes

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    camphines, camphene, camphenes

  • Calomel


    1. A preparation of mercury, much used in medicine

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Calico


    1. Plain white cloth made from cotton, but which receives distinctive names based on quality and use 2. Printed cotton cloth

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    calicoes, calicos

  • Calash


    1. A light chariot or carriage with very low wheels used for taking the air in parks and gardens 2. a cover for the head sometimes used by ladies

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    calashes, calashe

  • Cabriolet


    a light 2-wheeled one-horse carriage with a folding leather hood, a large rigid shield in front of the seat

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Burthen


    1. Burden 2. the contents of a ship; the quantity or number of tons, a vessel will carry; as a ship of a hundred tons; 3. that which is borne or carried; a load; 4. that which is often repeated; a subject on which one dwells

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Bulger


    1. One that bulges, specifically a golf club

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Bugbear


    1. To alarm or frighten with idle phantoms

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Bristly


    1. Thick set with bristles, or with hairs resembling bristles; rough

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Brake


    a female fern, of the species of cryptogamian plants, of the genus Pteris; a place overgrown with brake; a thicket

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Bombazine


    1. A twilled fabric of which the warp is silk, and the weft worsted, formerly black for mourning garments, but now made of various colors

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    bombasine, bombazette, bombazet

  • Bolter


    1. A horse given to running away 2. A person who ends his or her affiliation with a political party

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Blue ladies


    1. A term with a negative connotation that describes an intellectual woman as frumpy

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Bitters


    1. A liquor in which bitter herbs or roots are steeped

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Bijou


    a small dainty usually ornamental piece of delicate workmanship: jewel; something delicate, elegant, or highly prized

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Bibler


    1. A great drinker

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Begird


    1. To bind with a band or girdle 2. To surround; to inclose; to encompass 3. To besiege

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    begirt, begirds, begirded, begirding

  • Basrelief


    1. Scuplture that does not stand out far from the ground or plane on which they are formed

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Barouche


    1. A four wheeled carriage, with a falling top, a seat on the outside for the driver, and two seats on the inside arranged for four persons to sit facing each other

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Bandbox


    1. A slight paper box for bands, caps, bonnets, muffs, or other light articles

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    bandboxy, bandboxical, bandboxes

  • Balsam of Tolu


    1. A tree native to South America

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Back house


    1. a building behind the main or front building 2. a privvy, outside

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Avaricious


    1. Greed of gain; immoderately desirous of accumulating property

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    avariciously, avariciousness

  • Aught


    1. Anything 2. Any part; the smallest; a jot or tittle

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Ascribe


    1. To attribute, impute, or set to, as to a cause; to assign as effect to a cause 2. To attribute, as a quality, or an appurtenance; to consider or allege to belong

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    ascribes, ascribed, ascribing, ascribable

  • Arrear


    1. That which is behind in payments, or which remains unpaid, though due 2. Behind in the hinder part

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Array


    1. Order; disposition in regular lines 2. Dress; garments disposed in order upon the person 3. In law, the act of impaneling a jury 4. To envelop

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    arraying, arrays, arrayer, arrayed

  • Arduous


    1. High or lofty in a literal sense 2. Attended with great labor; difficult

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    arduousness, arduously

  • Ardent


    1. Hot or burning; causing a sensation of burning 2. Having the appearance or quality of fire; fierce 3. Warm; much engaged; passionate

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    ardently, ardentness, ardency

  • Apotheosis


    the highest or best part of something: peak; elevation to divine status; the perfect form or example of something

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Apoplexy


    1. A form of disease characterized by the sudden diminution or loss of sensation and voluntary motion, usually caused by pressure on the brain

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    apoplex, apoplectic

  • Aperiodic


    1. Not periodic; of an irregular nature

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    aperiodically, aperiodicity

  • Antimony


    1. A brittle white metal used in some alloys and medical preparations

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Antimason


    1. One opposed to freemasonry

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    antimasonic; antimasonry; antimasons, anti-mason

  • Amiable


    1. Worthy of love; deserving of affection; lovely; loveable 2. Pretending or showing love

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    amiability; amiableness; amiably

  • Ambrotype


    1. an early type of photograph, made by placing a glass negative against a dark background

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Amanuensis


    1. A person whose employment is to write what another dictates

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Allopathy


    1. the employment of medicines in order to produce effects different from those resulting from the disease; the ordinary mode of medical practice

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    allopathic; allopathically; allopathist

  • Aliment


    1. That which feeds or nourishes; food; nutriment

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Affaire d coeur


    1. A love affair (French)

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

  • Affable


    1. Easy of conversations; admitting or inviting others to conversation without reserve; courteous; of easy manners; condescending

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    affability, affably, affableness

  • Advert


    1. To turn the mind or attention to; to regard, observe, or notice: with to

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    adverts, adverted, advertence, advertent, adverting

  • Addle


    1. Morbid; corrupt; putrid; producing nothing 2. to earn by labor; to thrive or grow 3. Laborers' wages 4. the lees of wine

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    addled; addling; addles

  • Acme


    1. The top or highest point; the summit 2. the crisis of a disease or its utmost violence 3. People of mature years

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    acmic; acmatic

  • Accoutrements


    1. Dress, equipage, trappings; specifically the implements of a solider except arms and dress

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    accouterments; accoutrement; accouterment

  • Abatis


    a defensive obstacle formed by felled trees with sharpened branches facing the enemy

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:


  • Abate


    1. To beat down; to destroy in any manner 2. To lessen; to diminish 3. To overthrow; to cause to fail 4. To decrease, or become less in strength 5. To fail; to be defeated 6. In apple, to enter into a freehold after the death of the last occupant, and before the heir takes possession 7. In horsemanship, to perform well in a downward motion 8. In heraldry, a mark of dishonor in a coat of arms

    Alternate Spellings and Forms:

    abated, abates, abating, abatement, abatements, abatable

  • a hop


    1. a dance

    Alternate Spellings and Forms: