Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, November 14, 1831

  • Posted on: 20 December 2017
  • By: admin
Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, November 14, 1831



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, November 14, 1831

action: sent

sender: Samuel Seward
Birth: 1768-12-05  Death: 1849-08-24

location: Florida, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Auburn, NY

transcription: mhr 2014-09-01

revision: crb 2015-09-01

Page 1

My dear William
Florida 14 Nov 1831
The agony is over and the
Birth: 1767-07-11 Death: 1848-02-23
ticket has prevailed by a large
majority. The Clay
Birth: 1777-04-12 Death: 1852-06-29
party are unpopular.
We have had protracted meetings in
many of our Congregations in the County
the excitement has been astonishing
and the people seem to have lost site
of time things – owing to this and the
yelping and howling of Masons our
vote did not exceed one third of
what was expected. I am particularly
sorry for Crist
Birth: 1788-03-13 Death: 1852-07-28
- As he is a first rate
young man and this is his first
start. It will be well for you to open
a correspondence with him (Abraham
Crist at Waldren) and keep it up through–
out the Winter.
I am sorry to urge
a po faint streniously but I feel myself
again compelled to draw your atten–
tion againe to the road suit. It happened
when this contest began that Werner
Birth: 1777 Death: 1842-02-20

was sick Van Duzer
Birth: 1802-05-08 Death: 1841-11-27
from home. For
the emergency I took Monell
. When
the cercaorare came out I took the
papers and told Monell V. and Young

would attend to it. But M. is still
hanging on – and Bradner
Birth: 1805
is heaping
affidavits on him. Calling on him
for the Judges amended return
siting him to appear before a Judge in
Albany the 17 Inst


Abbreviation of instant with reference to time • Abbreviation for instante mense, meaning a date of the current month •
&c &c. V. is a M. and
a Sembly man and of course rather to
large to bend his mind to small things
Page 2

In those affidavits they are reporting
erroneous and coulored representa-
tions prejudicial to my character.
Birth: 1792
states the Judges have made
their return – and cant be spoken
to on the Subject. Whether it is
necessary to make further and coun-
ter affidivits denying and contra-
dicting their statement is a subject
I [ canot ]

Alternate Text

Alternate Text: cannot
determine. Perhaps you had
better take the whole management on
yourself. And then you will know
what is doing. Write me on the receipt
of this and give me your idea's dis
tinct that I may know who I am
to rely and and what is necessary
to be done. Perhaps if you have
an agent in Albany you had better
get him to look into it. You will
also reflect that I have the Town
of Warwick to contend against and
unprincipled lawyers to procrastinate
and it therefore behoves me (if
indeed I can be made a party to
defend the Judges) to endevor to
bring this business to a close as
soon as possible. Besides the public
and in indivituals are suffering im-
mensely for the road and it is neces-
sary this business should be closed
that we may start a new.
Page 3

Six percent is becoming a very common interest
for many in this part of the state. Nathl Wheeler
Birth: 1808-09-05 Death: 1871-01-25

– The McCamly
family and two other Mortgages
the interest of which was our principle Loan
support have lately been paid off and little
prospect of reimbursing it in any sum worth
attending to at more than 5- 5 1/2 or 6 percent
you once told me mone any could be loaned in
Cayuga to good advantage. This induses
me to enquire what the present
market is. If it can be vested in
tolerable sums and on indisputable
security and the interest paid
punc mutual it might be an induse-
ment to attend to it. And loan
the above sums. I could let it out
in Tioga County at once but I have
no Job S. Halsted
Birth: 1774-03-04 Death: 1844-04-13
there and it seems
to be out of my way. What are
your impressions on this subject
The family are all well. Saturday
G. M.
Birth: 1802-09-27 Death: 1878-12-20
furniture &c was divided amo-
ngst the heirs which made truly
a solemn day.
Present our affection-
ate regard to all friends
Saml S. Seward
W H Seward Esqr
Page 4



Type: postmark

SSSeward PM
William H Seward Esquire
Hand Shiftx

William Seward

Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
Saml. S. Seward
14 Nov. 1831.