Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, March 4, 1833

  • Posted on: 10 March 2016
  • By: admin
Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, March 4, 1833



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, March 4, 1833

action: sent

sender: Samuel Seward
Birth: 1768-12-05  Death: 1849-08-24

location: Florida, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Albany, NY

transcription: cef 

revision: dxt 2015-06-04

Page 1

My dear Wm Henry Florida 4th March 1833
The suspense is over. The long looked
for crisis has arrive when my honorable and
devoted friends have consented that I should
with their approbation retire to my fami-
ly fire side and to the shades of private
life. I have for years anticipated the close
of my Judicial duties with great pleasure
and but for the able honorable and feeling
support I have recived from the Court and
Bar and the expressions of approbation from
my fellow Citizens I should long ere


Before; sooner than •
this resignd
the office. My commission is dated about the
ninth Inst. We have concluded to present
as my successor the Hon. Gilbert Ogden Fowler
Birth: 1788-12-10 Death: 1843-12-27

and Robert Dennison
Birth: 1800-10-15 Death: 1867-12-02
as associate Judge with
these Gentlemen you are personally well
acquainted and I have no doubt you will
cheerfully accord to them your support
and influence. They will be very generally
approved of if appointed[ . ]



Truly and affectionately
yours Sam l S. Seward
William H Seward Esq.
N.B. It may not be improper for me to remark
that I have herewith forwarded a Note to
the Governor
Birth: 1786-12-12 Death: 1857-07-04
declining a renomination
under any cercumstanses.
Page 2

Hon William H Seward
In Senate
Hand Shiftx

William Seward

Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
S. S. Seward
4 March 1833.