Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, December 18, 1837

  • Posted on: 10 March 2016
  • By: admin
Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, December 18, 1837



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Papers Project

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, December 18, 1837

action: sent

sender: Samuel Seward
Birth: 1768-12-05  Death: 1849-08-24

location: Florida, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Auburn, NY

transcription: dxt 

revision: crb 2015-11-09


Page 1

Florida 18th Dec. 1837
My dear W.H.
        Having had many of the most substantial citizens of
the county of Orange call on me in the course of a few weeks past
some of whom have lately traveled West, and many been
to New York, together with what I have collected from public
prints has enabled me to form a faint idea of what it is not to be
disguised in a confidential letter to a son; is vastly interesting
to me, viz, the next Governor Election. Mr Granger
Birth: 1792-12-01 Death: 1868-08-31
stands high
in the feelings of the Electors of the state but they seem to select him
for the [ net ]

Alternate Text

Alternate Text: next
Vice presidency and therefore pass over the state
nominations without refferance to him. . I am aware that
there is nothing easier than for a parent to be deceived as to
the abilities and standing of a son, still I think I cannot
be mistaken in the impression I have gathered from so
many sources that the great body of Electors of the state
are feelingly disposed to give you another trial.
In many circles I doubt not there are other preferences
none however settled on but one[ . ]


The immediate friends
of our old companion Ogden Hoffman
Birth: 1793-05-03 Death: 1856-05-01
have strong hopes
that he will obtain the voice of the people, and to effect
this object every possible exertion is making. This
brings up (what ought to be) the great absorbing question
to be decided Which under all circumstances is the
best qualified to fill the office high and important as
it is to the best interest and honor of the state. Here
again I am placed in a delicate situation to express a single
sentiment. A great and signal victory has been acchived
to the people of this union. The great misfortune has
Page 2

Arisen from corrupt rulers. This is now to be guarded
against in the great Whig Democratic Party. And if I know
my own feelings (without referance to Child friend or con-
nection) it is to promote the best men to be our public
servents. Let the sole governing question be is he capable
is he faithfull is he honest[ . ]


Mr H has many and powerfull
friends in the state he is an eloquent smooth passionating
speaker. An Orator well calculated to inlist the feelings
of almost any audience[ . ]


He is a man eminently full
of urbanity goodfeeling and tenderness. These are all
rare and estimable qualifications can it or will it
be said he posseses the the erudition or abilities requi-
site for a profound statesman. The most appropriate
and best effort perhaps he ever made was perhaps at
[ Finual ]

Alternate Text

Alternate Text: Faneuil
Hall nothing could be better calculated to warm
the feelings of Massachusetts and from this one stump oration
much is calculated on. But where is the bold strong
masterly stand, that has been taken alone and single
handed in the Halls of Legislation against the almost
Unanimous host of wickedness and corruption, that has
attracted the great and good of the state and the Union[ . ]



Where are the various productions ^on^ Politicks Liberation
Internal improvement & Education. And again
where is the uniform political course of this gentleman
and his friends to be found in the times that tried
mens [ soulds ]

Alternate Text

Alternate Text: souls
. While we fearlessly claim to be uniform
Republicans from the earliest difficulties in our country
fighting the hottest battles of the Revolution Enrolling
ourselves a[ s ]


Silver Greys in the late war and marching
Page 3

with the friends of the people in opposing Jacksonism
Van Burenism and every corrupt and dissoluting measure
of those vile bloodsuckers. This Gen[ t ]


leman and his im-
mediate friends were opposing the Revolution opposing
the late War supporting Andrew Jackson
Birth: 1767-03-15 Death: 1845-06-08
and opposing
the best Patriots of Our Country. These are to my mind
truths which if they could seasonably & candidly placed before
the people would settle this question at once How far your friends
are possesed of these ideas whether they will ever become a
subject of debate and if so correctly decided in a matter I
cannot interfear in. Still I must be permited to say
that it is a business in which the business people have a vast
interest in, and far from not being appreseated by your
Father. One part of the subject however I
am perfectly at ease on, whatever political
strifes may take place Ogden & Henry are a couple
of too goodnatured fellows ever to become duelists on the subject
        Since the last attack I had say two months ago which
I thought would be my last I have been more convalessant until
riding out in one of our northeasters I took cold and am
confined to my room as you will see by my trembling hand
The family are well. I know not where this will find you
but I wish you to write me on the above subject on the
receipt of this as it is all absorbing to me. Is the Wood
Birth: 1799 Death: 1870-08-24
progressing. Have you consulted the Chancellor
Birth: 1788-10-26 Death: 1867-11-27
on the
Injunction. Where will letters find you from this
time till your arival in this place. About what time
may we look for you. Give our kind love & Respects
to all friends
Yours truly & Affectionately
Samuel S Seward
Wm H Seward Esq
Page 4

Dec 18
William H Seward Esq
Cayuga Co
Or Westfield
Chautauqua Co
If Mr Seward is not at Auburn
the P.M. will please forward this
Hand Shiftx

William Seward

Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
S.S. Seward
Dec 18. 1838