Fragment by Frances Miller Seward

  • Posted on: 18 October 2018
  • By: admin
Fragment by Frances Miller Seward



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections

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Fragment by Frances Miller Seward

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21


receiver: Unidentified 
Birth:   Death: 

location: Unknown

transcription: keh 

revision: tap 2017-05-24

Page 1

When you wrote to Mr
that slavery would
remain the same in all the states whether the Rebellion
was successful or whether it failed the public
sentiment on the subject of slavery was in a very
different state from what it is now – Knowing
as every one person must that slavery is the
cause of the war I think the wish at the
start for its extinction is becoming pretty unusual
You who have advocated human liberty
40 years cannot afford now to be even
appear to be upholding slavery – You
said to me that when here that the matter
Page 2

of Republican constitution was of more impor-
tance than the Ab. of S – It seems to me
that it is not possible to maintain being
Republican now – with slavery – they are
incompatible – Do you know dear H
that you have not for one whole year
written me here in favor of human liberty –
To those who know you well and know how-
ever dear it is to you – this may not ^under all this^
^care^ appear strange – but I am not willing that
you should shall once give your enemies
reason to say that you are in favor of this
great misery – We are to avoid even
^the appearance of evil^
Page 3

the appearance of evil – Whatever may be
the principles on the deterrence – of the President
Birth: 1809-02-12 Death: 1865-04-15

in this matter you owe it to yourself &
your children
x Birth: 1839-06-18  Death: 1920-04-29  Birth: 1844-12-09  Death: 1866-10-29  Birth: 1826-10-01  Death: 1876-09-11 
to your country & to God
to make your record clear – If the
Administration has the men of which it is
accused it would be far better for
you to resign your place tomorrow than
by continuing there seem to give countenance
to a great moral evil –
Page 4

15 &

Page 5

I thought a month ago that freedom was to
follow the steps of our Army – I felt that
this was a slow and uncertain process
but perhaps safer for the South – Even
This does not seem to be the case & it is
getting to be too uncertain for a dependence
if it were – I am sorry you ever spoke
those words even at the desire of the President
but they cannot make charges of caution
be eternally binding, and the reparation
could be made now by the Congress &
the President producing liberty to the slaves
of rebellious masters –