Recipe by Frances Miller Seward

  • Posted on: 22 October 2018
  • By: admin
Recipe by Frances Miller Seward



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections

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Recipe by Frances Miller Seward

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21


receiver: Unidentified 
Birth:   Death: 

location: Unknown

transcription: keh 

revision: crb 2017-05-24

Page 1

Alum — Give soap suds or Arsenic — First give soap suds –
sugar water until vomiting 2nd water with whites of eggs
ensues – afterwards Pul. or bev – 3rd sugar water – 4 milk —
Vitriol, white, green & blue — As soon as the patient has vomited
Give sugar & water or the white repeat the remedy —
of an egg in cold water until Corrosive sublimate
the patient has vomited – White of egg in water is the
Salt Petre and Sal. Ammonia. principal remedy — the others
Tepid water, melted butter mixed are – milk — starch from wheat
with water until the patient flour dissolved in water or
vomits: then mucilaginous drinks. flour paste –
Alcohol or strong spirits of tonic – Copper, verdigris — white of
& cather — Generally it is sufficient eggs — sugar – both with or
to give milk & mucilaginous drinks. without water – milk & other
Prussic acid — It operates so rap- mucilaginous drinks —
idly there is no time to excite vomiting Lead – Epsom salts – when it
Put a drop of spirits of Sal Ammo- cannot be had Glauber salts —
nia in a glass (tumbler full) of a table spoon full in a pint
sugar and water and give of warm water and drank
a tea spoon full every 3 or of tea –
4 minutes – give coffee afterward
Page 2

Hand Shiftx

William Seward

Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
Auburn February 17th 1846.
My Dear Mrs Maury
Birth: 1811 Death: 1901-02-12
, I can hardly
Hand Shiftx

Frances Seward

Birth: 1805-09-24 Death: 1865-06-21
Lunar Caustic — Give common For most cases when poison has been
salt dissolved, in abundance taken into the stomach the princi-
afterward mucilaginous drinks – pal object is to excite vomiting or
Antimony — if vomiting has already taken
place to promote it. The next important
remedy is the white of an egg) – soap
suds is also an important antidote
in poisoning by arsenic, lead, oil of
vitriol all strong acids and all
metallic substances – Vinegar is an
antidote against alkaline poison – all
soporifics, laudnum, mushrooms &c—
Coffee is an antidote against so
many poisons that we cannot do with-
out it — When the poison is unknown
coffee is the best thing you can
give – in all cases of poison give
(with sugar) even after the contents
of the stomach have been expeled