Person Information


A man is referred to as Chamberlain in letters18431213WHS_SSS and 18440328WHS_SSS and as John Chamberlain at the last page of 18440405WHS_SSS. A John Chamberlain from Dalton, Massachusetts is mentioned in a business index of communicating with SSS so there is a chance that the Chamberlain mentioned in the previous three letters is this man.

Letter References


Biography and Citation Information:
A man is referred to as Chamberlain in letters18431213WHS_SSS and 18440328WHS_SSS and as John Chamberlain at the last page of 18440405WHS_SSS. A John Chamberlain from Dalton, Massachusetts is mentioned in a business index of communicating with SSS so there is a chance that the Chamberlain mentioned in the previous three letters is this man.
Citation for Birth Info:
Citation for Death Info: