Person Information


"Edward, byname Saint Edward the Confessor (born 1002/05, Islip, Eng.—died Jan. 5, 1066, London; canonized 1161; feast day originally January 5, now October 13), king of England from 1042 to 1066. Although he is often portrayed as a listless, ineffectual monarch overshadowed by powerful nobles, Edward preserved much of the dignity of the crown and managed to keep the kingdom united during his reign of 24 years. His close ties to Normandy prepared the way for the conquest of England by the Normans under William, duke of Normandy (later King William I), in 1066."

Letter References


Biography and Citation Information:
"Edward, byname Saint Edward the Confessor (born 1002/05, Islip, Eng.—died Jan. 5, 1066, London; canonized 1161; feast day originally January 5, now October 13), king of England from 1042 to 1066. Although he is often portrayed as a listless, ineffectual monarch overshadowed by powerful nobles, Edward preserved much of the dignity of the crown and managed to keep the kingdom united during his reign of 24 years. His close ties to Normandy prepared the way for the conquest of England by the Normans under William, duke of Normandy (later King William I), in 1066."
Citation Type: 
Citation URL:
Title of Webpage: 
Encyclopaedia Britannica: Edward
Website Viewing Date: 
Friday, June 2, 2017 - 13:00
Website's Last Modified Date: 
Friday, June 2, 2017 - 13:00
Citation for Birth Info:
Citation Type: 
Citation URL:
Title of Webpage: 
Encyclopaedia Britannica: Edward
Website Viewing Date: 
Friday, June 2, 2017 - 13:00
Website Last Modified Date: 
Friday, June 2, 2017 - 13:00
Citation for Death Info:
Citation Type: 
Citation URL:
Title of Webpage: 
Encyclopaedia Britannica: Edward
Website Viewing Date: 
Friday, June 2, 2017 - 13:00
Website Last Modified Date: 
Friday, June 2, 2017 - 13:00