Seward Family List of Books - By Author

  • Paradise Lost

    Author: Milton, John
    Imprint: Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Co: Boston, MA; 1861

  • Paradise Lost

    Author: Milton, John
    Imprint: Fielding Lucas, Jun. J. D. Toy, Printer: Baltimore, MD; 1818

  • School Atlas

    Author: Mitchell, Augustus
    Imprint: H. Cowperthwait & Company: Philadelphia; 1858

  • At Odds

    Author: Montgomery, Jemima
    Imprint: J. B. Lippincott & Co. : Philadelphia, PA; 1863

  • Epicurean, A Tale

    Author: Moore, Thomas
    Imprint: Carey, Lea & Carey: Philadelphia; 1827

  • Geography Made Easy

    Author: Morse, Jedidiah and Sidney Edwards Morse
    Imprint: Richardson & Lord: Boston; 1820

  • Ensenore. A Poem

    Author: Myers, Peter Hamilton
    Imprint: Wiley and Putnam: New York City; 1840
