Letter from Catherine Louisa Webb Benton to Frances Miller Seward, February 14, 1850

  • Posted on: 11 October 2017
  • By: admin
Letter from Catherine Louisa Webb Benton to Frances Miller Seward, February 14, 1850



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Catherine Louisa Webb Benton to Frances Miller Seward, February 14, 1850

action: sent

sender: Catherine Benton
Birth: 1830-12-14  Death: 1918-12-04

location: Vienna, Austria

receiver: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Washington D.C., US

transcription: cnk 

revision: crb 2016-12-14

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Editorial Note

The transcription of the note at the top of this image can be viewed in letter from Helen Matilda Morgan to Frances Miller Seward, February 14, 1850.
My dear Mrs Seward
I cannot let Matilda's
Birth: 1827-11-30 Death: 1896-10-03
go without adding a few lines myself. I was very
sorry not to have seen you to bid you good before
you left the Astor House but we did not think you
would go so soon. I hope you will enjoy your winter
in Washington and be able to see somewhat more
of Governor Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
than you did last summer
though I suppose even now he must pay the
penalty of being in public life and have but little
Page 2

time to spend quietly with his family. I can assure
you we all feel more than we can express, the
constant friendship he has shown for Father
Birth: 1802-02-08 Death: 1884-06-07
at a
time when those he supposed his friends were the
first to attack him. Will you give a great deal
of love to Fanny
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
for me and tell her she must
try and remember us. For Fathers sake we must
not wish to be with our friends soon again but we
certainly have found nothing in a strange land to
compensate for the separation from those we love. With
kind regards to Governor Seward believe me as ever
Yours sincerely
Louisa Webb
Hand Shiftx

Frances Seward

Birth: 1805-09-24 Death: 1865-06-21
Matilda Webb