Letter from Marion Wallace Mackenzie to Frances Miller Seward, March 23, 1861

  • Posted on: 26 May 2021
  • By: admin
Letter from Marion Wallace Mackenzie to Frances Miller Seward, March 23, 1861



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Marion Wallace Mackenzie to Frances Miller Seward, March 23, 1861

action: sent

sender: Marion MacKenzie
Birth: 1819-03-19  Death: 1889-01-15

location: Cincinnati, OH

receiver: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

transcription: csh 

revision: amr 2021-01-23


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Editorial Note

Editorial note: This letter and two other letters were enclosed in a letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, dated March 29, 1861. The other two enclosures included: a letter from Archibald D. Grieff to John M. MacKenzie, dated March 23, 1861 and a letter from Peter Zinn to Salmon P. Chase, dated March 21, 1861.
Cincinnati March 23 d 1861
Mrs. Frances A Seward
Dear Madam
As your Husband's
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10

attention is now so much engrossed with the duties
of his office I could not expect his personal attention
to a letter either from my husband
Birth: 1816-03-04 Death: 1891-04-18
or myself, under
these circumstances it occured to me, that I could
find access to his ear through you, either in person
or by a note from your pen if you are not now
in Washington, without a very great demand
upon his time or caling his attention from
other things, Then my dear Madam you
will I trust pardon in part, if not altogether the
solicitude of a wife for the success of her Husband
in asking your interposition on his behalf –
and especially when the happiness of many
others is dependent upon the success of my
noble generous hearted Husband – who has

[left Margin] address M rs Marion W. MacKenzie Cincinnati Ohio
Page 2
who has lived for the happiness of others
and though perhaps I may be unknown to you
personally, you may not think me unworthy
your attention when I tell you that I am the o
Daughter of Mr Samuel Washington
Birth: 1787-02-14 Death: 1867-03-18
of Newport, KY
formerly of Virginia and the wife of Dr Mackenzie
of this city, whose name has been presented to your
Husband for the "Consulship of Havanna "
My father is doubtless known to your Husband
Husband he is a grand nephew of the great"Father of his country" the immortal Washington
Birth: 1732-02-22 Death: 1799-12-14

and is the nearest relative now living to the
great General – But I do not claim, nor
does my dear Husband desire that any
extraneous circumstances neither his anc-
estry nor mine, the services rendered
his country or this community, his
Republicanism or even his well known
partiality for your Husband, whom he
has always admired, as an able statesman
That any or all of these should be brought
to bear upon the subject but simply
Page 3

simply his own intrinsic merits
his moral worth and capacity to
fill the office, an extensive business
experience and acquaintance at home
and abroad eminently fit him for the position
Numerous letters from leading men in
different sections of the country have been for-
warded to the President
Birth: 1809-02-12 Death: 1865-04-15
, to your Husband,
to Hon SP Chase
Birth: 1808-01-13 Death: 1873-05-07
and others on this Subject
but our fear is that in the multiplicity
of letters and the press of official duties these
Gentlemen will see but few of the letters
addressed to them and now my dear
madam what I have to ask of you is
to request your good Husband if he has not
already determined to appoint Dr MacKenzie,
not to fill that office untill he shall first
have seen the Doctor's recommendatory letters
petitions &tc or had a personal interview
with the Hon J A Gurley
Birth: 1813-12-09 Death: 1863-08-19
or Hon S P Chase
from this district or Hon M S Latham
Birth: 1827-05-23 Death: 1882-03-04
Cal "or Hon A W Loomis
Birth: 1797-06-27 Death: 1873-08-24
of Penn " either
Page 4

all of these Gentlemen can acquaint him
fully with the Doctors standing and claims
as well as qualifications for the office.
From numerous letters handed me
to read, I have selected two which I will enclose
to you with this one from one of the
oldest, wealthy and influential merchants
Birth: 1818 Death: 1870-07-18

in New Orleans, though he is now in another
confederacy he is a good "union" man, and
anticipates the day when he can openly avow his
"Union Sentiments – it shows the esteem in
which my dear Husband is held by the merch-
ants of the South with whom he has had
business transactions he having been a
Sugar Refiner and importer.
The other letter from Mr. Zinn
Birth: 1819-02-23 Death: 1880-11-17
is one of the leaders of the Republican host
in this community – you can read
and have or send to your Husband – letters
have also been sent by Judge Storer
Birth: 1796-03-26 Death: 1875-06-01
& Mr Sanford
Birth: 1818-01-22 Death: 1883-07-21Certainty: Probable

of this city and Hon John J Critenden
Birth: 1787-09-10 Death: 1863-07-26
of KY by Judge
Birth: 1790 Death: 1867-07-05
& others – I should be grateful to receive
a line from you to know that you received this and
any other information you could give me upon this subject
and your immediate attention hereto will be dearly
appreciated by yours respectfully
Marion W MacKenzie