Letter from Anna Wharton Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, February 16, 1868

  • Posted on: 20 December 2021
  • By: admin
Letter from Anna Wharton Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, February 16, 1868



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Anna Wharton Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, February 16, 1868

action: sent

sender: Anna Seward
Birth: 1834-03-29  Death: 1919-05-02

location: Washington D.C., US

receiver: Augustus Seward
Birth: 1826-10-01  Death: 1876-09-11

location: Boston, MA

transcription: dhm 

revision: srr 2021-07-20


Page 1

Feb'y 16th
My dear Gus,
You may
judge by this pencil
writing that I have
not recovered the use
of my hand. It is still
very sore & much swollen.
Dr. Barnes
Birth: 1817-07-21 Death: 1883-04-05
still comes
to see it every day.
I have had a poultice
on it all today – A small
piece of bone came out
last week which the
Dr says is a piece of
the knuckle which was
Page 2

bitten off – Part of the
day I have to keep it
in a splint – as it is
very crooked. I have
not been out anywhere
except to drive until
Friday when I went to
a Cabinet
x Birth: 1806-02-10  Death: 1881-08-10  Birth: 1802-07-02  Death: 1878-02-11  Birth: 1819-10-31  Death: 1872-07-26  Birth: 1803-02-20  Death: 1881-06-25  Birth: 1814-12-19  Death: 1869-12-24  Birth: 1808-12-07  Death: 1895-05-24  Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10 
dinner at
the Presidents
Birth: 1808-12-29 Death: 1875-07-31
. I have
to carry a hand kerchief
around my hand.
We had a dinner of
twenty last night, &
afterwards a very
large reception. Your
Father began to be
quite impatient for
dinners as I have
Page 3

not been able to have
any for six weeks.
I was sick in bed for
three weeks & was still
quite ill when I got
your letter – I did
not intend to send you
any clothes. I told Aunty
Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03

I was going to send
you a package there
were a couple of collars
a handkerchief & the
Bible which I found.
I am so sorry to hear
you have had a cold.
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
& I Are going to
New York tomorrow morning.
The Dr thinks it will
do me good. But we have
Page 4

to be back on Thursday
on account of our dinner
on Saturday – I have sent
out all the cards & arranged
for the dinner. Your
Father and Molly


will be
quite alone – He was
out every night – last-week
& is quite tired today –
but he has gone to
dine with Mr Sumner
Birth: 1811-01-06 Death: 1874-03-11

Affectionately yours
Anna –
Page 5

Colonel A. H. Seward
Paymaster U. S. Army
Bullfinch Street
Boston, Mass


Type: postmark