Letter from George Washington Seward to William Henry Seward, May 21, 1825
Letter from George Washington Seward to William Henry Seward, May 21, 1825
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Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from George Washington Seward to William Henry Seward, May 21, 1825
action: sent
sender: George Seward
Birth: 1808-08-26
Death: 1888-12-07
location: New York, NY
receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16
Death: 1872-10-10
location: Auburn, NY
transcription: keh
revision: ekk 2016-03-17
New York, May 21st 1825
My dea Brother, When I take a wide survey of my
friends, and kindred My imaginations travels over the
States. I cast my eye to the Western climes, of our States.
it is there actracted, I find brother, who is bound to me
by all the ties of Friendship, as well as those of Brotherhood
I also meet in the same place other acquantance almost
as dear.
In my new station, I can say I am much pleased
and hope my friends will be equally so. For it can
hardly be otherwise when under the direction of such
men as Professor John Griscom
As yet I am surrounded by strangers and have
not yet formed an acquaintence with any of them
neither will I till I search their cha ^ra^ cters through ^ouly^
I will now show you the order of recitations for
Every ^thing^ is done in order, viz,
From to From to
Morning {9 – 10 – Reading after {2 – 3 – Writing
exercises {10 – 11– Grammar noon. {3 – 4 – Geography
{11 – 12 – Arithmetic {4 – 5 – Dictionary
Thus you see the order by which we are moving
as a mighty Machine. The school is kept in re-
marakable good order of things. It consist of about
600 Scholars, and taught, besides the Professor
by 6 Teachesrs. Mr Griscom you must know he
is the cheif captain of this noble in ^s^ titution.
He tends to the receiving of scholars, and takes the
tution. He delivers a lecture ever Whensday, and
Mr Barnes on Saturday on Natual Philosiphy and
Natual History. If you could but see the Professor
you would be much pleased. I have no doubt you
will I hope visited this city, and again you ^will^ be able
to see your old colleague and Friend Mr D H Barnes.
I fully concur with you in the character you give him
Thus I believe you ^I^ have given you a true statemnt
of the school, so far, next time I will given you
a more comprehensive sketch as far as comes within
my scope. As for myself I like a city life much,
As it seem to be more a visit than a residence.
I do not know what home sickness is. it is a foolish
whim I believe.
In answer to your letter, I say that though you
wish to cope with us it would be like putting
a Lamb with a Lion. You say you have got a
Stat Prison which ranks the New York one to tat-
ters, this I may admit but where are your artistes
from, you have no City Hall. You have a Sem-
inary, you owe it to New York, you have churches
you have no cathaderal. You have a [ misisters ]
Alternate Text: ministers
you have no Mr Springs
have no Doctors Hunters
Emmets, Hoffmans, Prices, &c &c, you have merchants
but you have no commerce, you have Chimney
Sweepes, they are not so smart as our's.
Thus you have dwindled to a pompious nothing
when you ^again^ undertake to cope with anybody I
would advise you to take someone with which
you can with safety.
The Deleware and Hudson Canal company is Flourish ^ing^
There is a commite out ^in Orange Ct.^ to detirmin w ^e^ here the Canal
shall run, wether, throug the Mountain and Orange
County or by Kingston. It is probable that we will be
honored with it. I hope it will. Brother
Buisness in the Bank. I expect ^he^ has told you
of it, by which you can know more. I would wrote
by Mra
I anticipate much Pleasure when Louisa
visits this Place, also when you do if you can
before I leave this delichtful Place.
I have access to the Mercantile Library whenever I
please. I have ^heretofor^ taken a book once a week, pass it over
and return it. I have had Goldsmith's Earth and
Animated Nature
I will try Marshalls Life of Washington
While I go to school I can also peruse one of the
best of Libraries. I am sensible of the advantages
of this short but sweet repose from the toils of
a farm, or ^rather^ of a country life. I have always like it.
ing under the chin, by the pen of your brother. I shall
only state that it is no better as yet.
As for you key, I attended to it, but can not yet
learn the price. If you could, I wish you would send
my watch down, together with my other effects, ^few^
by some of you Merchants, If you please
And I hope you will try to
have some Friendship for
us here, to write a long
letter. I think I can give you a
plan by which you can do it
Do you go to the office and light a candle close the
Windows, lock your door, and fill a full sheet ^this kind^ for me
You will pass this letter's imperfections over in silence
because of its lengthh.
On Sunday I went hear Mr Hooper Cummins
Where it not for that contempitable, irreligious
and hateful vice, his words, his action, his prea-
ching, would do good. I was much pleased, for
I think he was sober. Mr Barnes says he is
the best example of good speaking and Reading
in the United States. But I think he is mis-
taken, for I do not think he is. But of all min-
esters that I have ever heard, for sound and at the
same time beautiful language, the Rev Dr Spring
I think Mr takes the decided preference, his
church is crouded. The first officers of state as,
well as those of this county, honor him with
their presence. Literary and Illitera ^r^ y men
flock in great number.
I wish you would solve a dought ^bt^ (as far as you
can) wether Mr Barnes is a Misester, I have seen
his name in print as such.
Give my love to all enquiring friend, and par-
ticuarly remember my example and Precept
Oblige you most affectionate
Brother GWS by writing
Mr W H Seward
Cayuga Cty
New York.
May 23
Type: postmark
G. W. Seward
Nov 23
New York, May 21st 1825
My dea Brother, When I take a wide survey of my
friends, and kindred My imaginations travels over the
States. I cast my eye to the Western climes, of our States.
it is there actracted, I find brother, who is bound to me
by all the ties of Friendship, as well as those of Brotherhood
I also meet in the same place other acquantance almost
as dear.
In my new station, I can say I am much pleased
and hope my friends will be equally so. For it can
hardly be otherwise when under the direction of such
men as Professor John Griscom
Birth: 1774-09-27 Death: 1852-02-26
, and Daniel H Barnes
Birth: 1785-04-25 Death: 1828-10-27
.As yet I am surrounded by strangers and have
not yet formed an acquaintence with any of them
neither will I till I search their cha ^ra^ cters through ^ouly^
I will now show you the order of recitations for
Every ^thing^ is done in order, viz,
From to From to
Morning {9 – 10 – Reading after {2 – 3 – Writing
exercises {10 – 11– Grammar noon. {3 – 4 – Geography
{11 – 12 – Arithmetic {4 – 5 – Dictionary
Thus you see the order by which we are moving
as a mighty Machine. The school is kept in re-
marakable good order of things. It consist of about
600 Scholars, and taught, besides the Professor
by 6 Teachesrs. Mr Griscom you must know he
is the cheif captain of this noble in ^s^ titution.
He tends to the receiving of scholars, and takes the
tution. He delivers a lecture ever Whensday, and
Mr Barnes on Saturday on Natual Philosiphy and
Natual History. If you could but see the Professor
you would be much pleased. I have no doubt you
will I hope visited this city, and again you ^will^ be able
to see your old colleague and Friend Mr D H Barnes.
I fully concur with you in the character you give him
Thus I believe you ^I^ have given you a true statemnt
of the school, so far, next time I will given you
a more comprehensive sketch as far as comes within
my scope. As for myself I like a city life much,
As it seem to be more a visit than a residence.
I do not know what home sickness is. it is a foolish
whim I believe.
In answer to your letter, I say that though you
wish to cope with us it would be like putting
a Lamb with a Lion. You say you have got a
Stat Prison which ranks the New York one to tat-
ters, this I may admit but where are your artistes
from, you have no City Hall. You have a Sem-
inary, you owe it to New York, you have churches
you have no cathaderal. You have a [ misisters ]
Alternate Text
you have no Mr Springs
Birth: 1785-02-24 Death: 1873-08-18
. You have Doctors, youhave no Doctors Hunters
Death: 1870-07-13Certainty: Probable
. You have Lawyers, we haveEmmets
Birth: 1792-09-09
Death: 1873-02-15
Birth: 1764-04-24
Death: 1827-11-14
Birth: 1793-05-03
Death: 1856-05-01
Birth: 1766-04-14
Death: 1837-01-24
Birth: 1791-09-29
Death: 1878-05-07
Birth: 1787
Death: 1846-08-11
Birth: 1783
Death: 1840-01-20
but you have no commerce, you have Chimney
Sweepes, they are not so smart as our's.
Thus you have dwindled to a pompious nothing
when you ^again^ undertake to cope with anybody I
would advise you to take someone with which
you can with safety.
The Deleware and Hudson Canal company is Flourish ^ing^
There is a commite out ^in Orange Ct.^ to detirmin w ^e^ here the Canal
shall run, wether, throug the Mountain and Orange
County or by Kingston. It is probable that we will be
honored with it. I hope it will. Brother
Birth: 1793-08-23 Death: 1841-02-24
is ful ofBuisness in the Bank. I expect ^he^ has told you
of it, by which you can know more. I would wrote
by Mra
Birth: 1769-11-27 Death: 1844-12-11
at at the same time ^he did^ but was sick.I anticipate much Pleasure when Louisa
Birth: 1805 Death: 1839-01-04
visits this Place, also when you do if you can
before I leave this delichtful Place.
I have access to the Mercantile Library whenever I
please. I have ^heretofor^ taken a book once a week, pass it over
and return it. I have had Goldsmith's Earth and
Animated Nature
Author: Oliver Goldsmith Publisher: W. C. Wright Place of Publication:London Date: 1824
. ^which I suppose you had seen^ When I get through with thisI will try Marshalls Life of Washington
Author: John Marshall Publisher: James Crissy Place of Publication:Philadelphia Date: 1832
.While I go to school I can also peruse one of the
best of Libraries. I am sensible of the advantages
of this short but sweet repose from the toils of
a farm, or ^rather^ of a country life. I have always like it.
Birth: 1820-05-18 Death: 1889-05-08
you have heard, has been sick, by a swell-ing under the chin, by the pen of your brother. I shall
only state that it is no better as yet.
As for you key, I attended to it, but can not yet
learn the price. If you could, I wish you would send
my watch down, together with my other effects, ^few^
by some of you Merchants, If you please
And I hope you will try to
have some Friendship for
us here, to write a long
letter. I think I can give you a
plan by which you can do it
Do you go to the office and light a candle close the
Windows, lock your door, and fill a full sheet ^this kind^ for me
You will pass this letter's imperfections over in silence
because of its lengthh.
On Sunday I went hear Mr Hooper Cummins
Birth: 1787 Death: 1825-12-18
Where it not for that contempitable, irreligious
and hateful vice, his words, his action, his prea-
ching, would do good. I was much pleased, for
I think he was sober. Mr Barnes says he is
the best example of good speaking and Reading
in the United States. But I think he is mis-
taken, for I do not think he is. But of all min-
esters that I have ever heard, for sound and at the
same time beautiful language, the Rev Dr Spring
I think Mr takes the decided preference, his
church is crouded. The first officers of state as,
well as those of this county, honor him with
their presence. Literary and Illitera ^r^ y men
flock in great number.
I wish you would solve a dought ^bt^ (as far as you
can) wether Mr Barnes is a Misester, I have seen
his name in print as such.
Give my love to all enquiring friend, and par-
ticuarly remember my example and Precept
Oblige you most affectionate
Brother GWS by writing
Mr W H Seward
Wm H. Seward EsqAuburn
Cayuga Cty
New York.
May 23
Hand Shift
Birth: 1805-09-24 Death: 1865-06-21Frances Seward
Nov 23