Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, December 15, 1839

  • Posted on: 4 October 2017
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, December 15, 1839



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, December 15, 1839

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Albany, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Canandaigua, NY

transcription: obm 

revision: tap 2017-12-15

Page 1

Sunday Dect 15th 1839
My dearest Sister,
I commence this letter to day because I have leisure
which I may not have later in the week when I wish to send it
The war the details of which occupied so much of my last letter
has come to a conclusion. After the second military force was di-
spatched the tenantry made no resistance – Henry’s
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
had good effect – the sheriff
Birth: 1799 Death: 1865-06-30
was permitted to perform his duty
unmolested — Blatchford
Birth: 1820-03-09 Death: 1893-07-07
has this moment been out to meet
the returning soldiery – the day is dreadful – it has been snowing
since last night — the snow is now a foot deep on a level
he met them about three miles from the city, plodding
To travel or work slowly or with steady laborious diligence • To study heavily with steady diligence • To toil; to drudge •
way through the snow – wrapped in their blankets-the officers
ride – there were three men, prisoners, in a wagon – the remainder
all on foot – all in fine spirits – they are expected here in
about 2 hours – Henry goes to the Rail Road to meet them
were it not Sunday we should have them all here – I am
thankful for the deliverance – Blatchford went out in our
sleigh – the little ponies seem almost buried in the snow – I
made a journey through our back yard this morning for which
exploit I had the pleasure of taking off every article of clothing I
had on at the time – Freddy
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
is just going the same route in
John Fop’s
Birth: 1781
bark— Henry is thankful for just such a day – he has
been allowed a short respite from company – his message has
been con[ ti ]


Reason: hole
nually retarded by the warlike operations of the last week
Page 2

Col. Amory
Birth: 1828-11-27 Death: 1864-10-07
and other gentlemen from New York have dined with us
twice within a week – I like Col Amory’s manners very much
he is very gentlemanly – Yesterday Horace Greely
Birth: 1811-02-03 Death: 1872-11-29
was here to dinner
he is quite as talented and quite as odd as he is reported to be –
he is about removing to Harrisburgh to edit a paper there for the
advancement of the Whig cause – and Ike Barker
Birth: 1804 Death: 1866-09-04
, the identical
“Ike” who figures so largely in Berdans
Birth: 1805-07-04 Death: 1884-08-24
letters – now “fat and forty”
dined here too yesterday — Mrs Horner
Birth: 1780 Death: 1856-12-09
and her little Grand
x Birth: 1834  Death: 1900-02-05  Birth: 1833  Death:  
spent the day with me – Lovel
Birth: 1799-05-10 Death: 1858-04-10Certainty: Possible
and Wood

of Syracuse were here to tea – Ellen
having made herself
sick eating oysters kept her bed — Harriet
Birth: 1807 Death: 1888-08-20
supplied her place
— Fred burned three of his fingers badly attempting to take
the chimney from a lamp which he should have let
alone – after which accident he fled to Mr Frankenstein
Birth: 1817-12-19 Death: 1881-04-16
consolation leaving the little girls to amuse each other — When
I went in pursuit of him he was looking doleful enough
while Frankenstein was endeavoring to divert his mind by
reading Shakespeare
Birth: 1564-04-26 Death: 1616-04-23
— All this time the hall and front parlor
were occupied by a constant succession of visitors who did
not allow Henry one half hour the whole day — This is a
feeble analysis of one day, which was quite as confused as my
description of it — Henry, Frankenstein, Blatchford, and Fred have
just entered the sleigh to meet the defenders of the law –
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29
says Ma must take him and he is such a dear good
little boy his Ma cannot refuse — Thursday night — Well
the week has gone so far without my completing my letter –
Monday and Tuesday I had my last sittings for my bust
Yesterday my day was consumed with receiving visits and
to day, the sun shining, I felt compelled to make as many
Page 3

as possible – so the time goes – Your letter which came
last night kept me awake and has made me uncomfortable
all day – I cannot think of not seeing you here this winter
Everybody expects you and indeed wonder that you are not here
now so that if you do not come I shall be obliged to give
the true reason in explanation – There is no one here who does
not see the propriety nay the necessity I had almost said
of my having some female friend with me – I try to get accustomed
to living without sympathy or counsel but I find it a hard task-
I am unwilling to have Willie pretty and playful as he now
is grow to be any larger without your seeing him – Freddy
too would be grievously disappointed - but I will not consider
it decided and shall go on saying I expect you still - I expect
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
next week - do not know whether his ^Grand^ Pa
Birth: 1772-04-11 Death: 1851-11-13Certainty: Probable
will come with him
but fancy he will – Jenny
has arrived to day an event which I have
been looking forward to with some dread – I think I shall not visit
the kitchen very frequently as I am told she was in the habit of ordering
her mistress up stairs last winter – How glad I shall be when
the 1st of January has come and gone – we are already making preparations – I get consider-
able information from York
Birth: 1811 Death: 1882-07-06
and think if I can be allowed to make the arrangement
myself that we will not have the house torn to pieces as it was last winter –
There is no escaping having the house open and admitting all who choose
to come here I think if the canaille are not feasted and made tipsy
that they will not care to stay long – The common counsil and middling
must have a cold collation — this I propose to put in the upper
hall where it will be more inaccessible to the multitude - the table
for the others to be in the lower hall with very little upon it to tempt
the appetite – Henry says I can arrange this matter as I please – I hope their
distain may not interfere — I shall see company myself in one of the
parlours - how unavailing and yet how frequent is the wish that you were

[right Margin] with me—
Page 4

Frankenstein and Fred are inseparable — I would give the world to have you
see a sketch of Fred’s face which he has made at one sitting
the likeness is perfect - expression and all – Frankenstein is a wonderful
creature – he is to take Henry’s likeness for Col Amory —
Freddy is some better though still complaining — I hope Augustus
visit will revive him-
All was well at home the last time I heard. Friday morning –
I close my letter in haste that it may go to the office
your own Sister
Mrs Alvah Worden
DEC 20


Type: postmark