Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, January 11, 1838

  • Posted on: 19 December 2017
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, January 11, 1838



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, January 11, 1838

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: New York, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Canandaigua, NY

transcription: nwk 

revision: crb 2017-10-30

Page 1

New York – Thursday Morning 11th
My dearest sister,
We left Albany Sunday morning
an hour after I closed my letter – crossed the river
on the ice, (six hours before it broke up, at the imminent
hazard of our lives — I cannot think of it now without
shuddering — I will never again expose my children
x Birth: 1830-07-08  Death: 1915-04-25  Birth: 1826-10-01  Death: 1876-09-11 

in this way — We were all day coming by stage to
Hudson 30 miles where we expected to meet the
steam boat & come to this place Monday — The
boat came up the river Sunday evening but instead
of returning to New York, made its way up through
the ice to Albany — we were consequently detained at
Hudson the whole of Monday — a dull day we had of it –
the boat came along back in the evening and we arrived
at this place at 5 oclock Tuesday morning — While
at Hudson William Boardman
Birth: 1801-10-03 Death: 1863-11-17
called, it was just as I was
going to bed and I did not see him — I was very sorry
as he was ill the next day and I came away without
seeing him at all — It appeared that he was staying at
Hudson a few days for the purpose of of seeing Columbus
Birth: 1806-03-19 Death: 1838-06-16

who is at the asylum — a lunatic — poor Mrs Boardman
Birth: 1773-10-08 Death: 1846-03-02

how my heart aches for her — William is a bankrupt
had I seen William I would have inquired the cause of
Columbus insanity — it seems marvelous to me that
a person so uniformly cheerful as he was should
become the victim of so dreadful a malady
I will endeavor to go and see Mrs Boardman if we return
by the way of Albany —
Page 2

Since we have been in New York all has been bustle, hurry,
and confusion as it always is — yesterday I employed the
whole morning in running about to the shops milliners
and dress makers — was engaged to dine with Mrs
 Death: 1848-07-01
who has a suit of apartments at the Astor
House where we are — I came home with a nervous head
ache in addition to a cold taken while crossing
the river — went to bed sick — Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
and Augustus
dined with Mr
Birth: 1802-02-08 Death: 1884-06-07
and Mrs Webb — Fred went home
to spend the day with Mrs Kents
Birth: 1812-05-18 Death: 1870-07-30
little boy
Birth: 1830-09-21 Death: 1886-11-29
called in the morning and took him home with
her — in the evening Henry and the boys went to
the Theatre — I sat up until 9 nine oclock
scrawled a few lines to Clara
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
and crawled into
bed — I need not say after relating so much of
my experience how heartily sorry I am that I undertook
a journey at this season of the year — I feel now
that if we all get home alive and well we will
have much cause for thankfulness — We leave this
place for Philadelphia tomorrow morning where we
remain three on four days — return here and some
time next week go to Florida — then home — I
shall get home you may be sure as soon as I can —
I am afraid I make Henry very uncomfortable
I know that my distaste for society is unreasonable
but I try in vain to overcome it — it increases
instead of diminishing — for his sake I wish I were
differently constituted — I hope yet to receive a letter
from you before we leave town — I am anxious to hear
how you are – Mary Kent
Birth: 1807-05-19 Death: 1901-01-10
has just left me —
She looks and appears much as she used to when
we were at school — older, as we all are — she
Page 3

enquired very particularly about you – says Elizabeth
hopelessly deranged and supported principally by the charity
of Mrs Willard
Birth: 1787-02-23 Death: 1870-04-15
– her mother
is living in Troy – very
poor — Is there any thing dear sis that you would
like to have me purchase for you - do write me if there
is — I have a dress making – as and a hat – both of
silk – blue black – nothing new — I have succeeded after
considerable altercation with a man
who squeezes boys
into tights in getting a decent suit of clothes made
for Gus – it was an arduous undertaking, of very
difficult accomplishment — Henry spends his mornings
until 3 oclock in wall street – we have a private
table and good attendance – this is an immense
establishment – very much celebrated as an eating house –
Birth: 1791-08-02 Death: 1845-05-13
has written me a letter desiring me to return
while the river continues open and stay with them
until Henry completes his arrangements with the "Life
Trust Company"— This is very kind certainly but
I have no intention of accepting the invitation –
perhaps he was aware of that — Did I write you any thing
about ‘Pauline
Birth: 1809-05-27 Death: 1894-01-15
’ – his wife she is fat coarse and common
with a very comfortable degree of appearance – seems
to be of a goodnatured easy temper — suitably impressed
with the importance of having fashionable clothes carriage
&c &c — Their boy
Birth: 1837-07-01 Death: 1911-08-14
is very spritely and looks intelligent
has bright red hair — he – (Rathbone) tells his wife when
it is time to nurse the boy &c &c — – Mr Seymour (John
Birth: 1791-04-15 Death: 1875-12-03Certainty: Possible
believe) of Auburn came all the way in company with us — he seems
to be a kind hearted man — has just been to see us — Freddy says
tell cousin Frances
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
I would like to see her — Gus sends love — Edward
Birth: 1813-05-28 Death: 1896-04-28
came yesterday and took Gus all about town — We met Burgess
Birth: 1806 Death: 1882-12-07Certainty: Possible

in the street yesterday — Do not fail to write — I will write again
from Philadelphia — your own Sister Frances —
Page 4

Mrs Alvah Worden


Type: postmark