Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, June 17, 1852

  • Posted on: 18 July 2019
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, June 17, 1852



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, June 17, 1852

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: Augustus Seward
Birth: 1826-10-01  Death: 1876-09-11

location: Unknown

transcription: sts 

revision: crb 2019-02-21

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Auburn June 17t – 1852
My dear Son,
It is an exceedingly pleasant thing
to receive your letters so soon after they
are written, that dated at York River
reached me two days after it was written –
there is some difference between this and 2 months –
but I hope you will never go so far from
us again – my heart is much lighter when
my children are where I can hear from them
and see them often – Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
has not been
able to come home yet – Mr Dawson
Birth: 1798-01-04 Death: 1856-05-05
been absent much of the time since I was
in Albany and now he has gone to the
Baltimore Convention with all the rest of the
World – it seems to me that there has never
before been such a gathering of Whigs – The
Democrats I believe have all now found out
the name s of their Candidate
Birth: 1804-11-23 Death: 1869-10-08
a I circumstance
which puzzled them considerably at first –
I doubt whether the Whigs would submit to
this kind of management as quietly as
the Loco's – As people grow intelligent they
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have a disposition to think for themselves on
important subjects – I send you a paper
with this letter which will give you some
idea of the uncertainty attending the nomination
though before you receive it the telegraph
will have conveyed the news of the nomination
which will probably be made to day or tomorrow –
Your father


writes that the politicians at
Washington are most of them actively engaged
for their respective candidates – He would
be very glad to come home at this time if
his friends would consent – Thomas Miller
Birth: 1817-07-09 Death: 1864-07-23

has been staying with him for a week or ten
days and Mr Pulszky
Birth: 1814-09-17 Death: 1897-09-09
has been there three or
four days with the Hungarian accounts for
the committee to examine – Mr & Mrs
Birth: 1815 Death: 1866

Pulszky were to sail for England the 16th.
Birth: 1802-09-19 Death: 1894-03-20
remains until his mother
Birth: 1770 Death: 1852-12-28
x Birth: 1817-02-19  Death: 1854-06-29  Birth: 1815  Death: 1902-10-13  Birth:   Death:  
are settled somewhere in this country.
The children and I are alone now – Willie
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29

is busily preparing for the Fourth of July
Bob is in requisition for draining barrels
&c for bonfires – Fanny
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
is much in want
of a playmate. I have promised to send
to Romulus for one of my little cousins

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to stay with her this Summer –
Have you had any chills since you
left Washington? I hope Fred will
be able to come home next week – I sent
you a newspaper with his address to
Kossuth which was very good – I am
afraid he is working too much. I have
not heard recently when they expect Mr
Birth: 1797-11-15 Death: 1882-11-22
home but believe it must be some
time next month – Uncle Worden
Birth: 1797-03-06 Death: 1856-02-16
here last week – he says Frances
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
is living
very nicely and much pleased with
housekeeping – Fanny says I must tell you
that the pinks are in flower and that
the old cat has two kittens. I do not
know of any village news more important –
Aunt Clara
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
is well and sends love –
God bless you – your affectionate
Mother –