Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, Jr., June 24, 1857
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, Jr., June 24, 1857
student editorTranscriber:spp:csh
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, Jr., June 24, 1857
action: sent
sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24
Death: 1865-06-21
location: Auburn, NY
receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1839-06-18
Death: 1920-04-29
location: Albany, NY
transcription: msf
revision: ecc 2022-03-02
Page 1
Sunday June 24th
My dear Son,
I am writing in your
room, for once the house is
comfortable without fires —
Mr Clay Mudd
Birth: 1821-02-05 Death: 1866-03-04
is staying
a few days with us — He
and Father
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
Miss Hance
Birth: 1820-01-25 Death: 1867-06-10
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
have gone to Church —
Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03
and I have gone
done a large amount of
talking — she has gone
with the three dogs
Pisgah to protect the house
from the incursion of boys –
it being one of the Sunday
amusements to visit and
mar a new house, some
person is needed there es-
pecially on that day —
Death: 1860
(horse) is grazing
[top Margin]
Hand Shift
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29William Seward
June 24th
below the window she
looks well but I fear
we shall be obliged to
stop using her for a while —
the blacksmith
announced that she cannot
be shod any more until
her hoof grows, and reccom-
mends that she run out
for two months — The
garden is beginning to look
very pretty — in about 10
days it will be in its
glory when I wish you
could all come home and
see it, and us — Augustus
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
will soon be leaving his
work — he does not say
when he will come home, I
suppose he cannot until
he gets to Washington —
and sees Mr Bache
Birth: 1806-07-19 Death: 1867-02-17
Your letter came to cheer
me while I was sick
I was confined to my bed
with neuralgia 3 or 4 days
and am not yet well enough
to go to the table, with Mr
Clay Mudd — I missed
your cheering voice and
considerate attention last
week more than you can
conceive — Aunty drove me
up to her house yesterday
if it ever gets done it will
be very pleasant — the situation
is incomparable — I have some
doubts about our ever getting
our house in order — neither
the carpenters
are done yet — I
have had much trouble about
the paper for the parlour
and after seeing a specimen
of bright yellow put on
over the fire piece I have
concluded to return to that
I had in the first place — if
I can get it put on by
that interminable old man
who has undertaken to do it
I am half inclined to send him
off and get Bradford
Birth: 1815 Death: 1884-08-16
– it
is my impression that if that
China glass can be spoiled by
slow work that it will be —
Birth: 1839-11-18 Death: 1913-11-09
came very kindly and
brought me your miniature
the day she received it — She
was here twice while I was sick —
says she coughs less — looks
very pretty — Clarence
Birth: 1828-10-07 Death: 1897-07-24
me that he has another
Birth: 1857-05-22 Death: 1929-11-27
— I suppose he is in
Geneva to day — I hope to hear
soon that you have descended
from that 5t story room —
Call on Mr Schoolcraft
Birth: 1804-09-22 Death: 1860-06-07
& Carrie
Birth: 1834-07-25 Death: 1922-02-28
some Sunday — you are under obliga-
tion to him — this acknowledgement
is due — I judge you have no time
other days — God bless you
Mother —
[right Margin]
Aunty & Fanny send love — Love to Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
& Anna
Birth: 1834-03-29 Death: 1919-05-02
I take another half sheet
to tell you of Harriet Bogarts
Birth: 1838 Death: 1860-04-22
Wedding which came off
last Wednesday — in a manner
very satisfactory to all parties —
Birth: 1830
attended Louisa
Birth: 1825Certainty: Probable
both stood up with the
bridal party at the altar —
in the Baptist Church —
Every member of our family
went — I staid with the
3 dogs – Eliza only staid
to see the ceremony — The
Church was filled — about
100 guests, white & colored
went to the house where
they had a supper which
Father said seemed to him just
like all others of the kind
here & at Washington — Aunty
made it her business to see
that the white guests did
not defraud the colored in
the matter of eating —
being naturally less polite
some supervision was necessary —
Fanny and Aunty & Sarah
came home before 11 — Father
stayed but half an hour —
The bride had presents &c &c
according to the custom of the
day — The next day went
with her husband
Birth: 1824-09-10 Death: 1881-03-12
to Schenectady
to visit his relatives — they
are to go soon to Cincinatti
Cincinnati N.B. — Mrs
Birth: 1813-02-16 Death: 1893-10-14
was afraid to go o out
the evening was so damp —
Mr Morgan
Birth: 1808-06-04 Death: 1877-04-03
& Frank
Birth: 1839
were there —
Mrs Bronson
Birth: 1809 Death: 1888-03-16
and Mrs
Birth: 1819-10-04 Death: 1898-02-12
from Grover street —
Mrs Staring
Birth: 1813-08-04 Death: 1891-11-22
& Mrs ClarkUnknown
many others — who were not
afraid of the contagion of
color — At Fathers request I
send this bill for you to mark
such items as were bought by you