Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Maria Worden, April 30, 1858
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Maria Worden, April 30,
student editorTranscriber:spp:lmd
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Maria Worden, April 30, 1858
action: sent
sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24
Death: 1865-06-21
location: Washington D.C., US
receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01
Death: 1875-10-03
location: Auburn, NY
transcription: tml
revision: amc 2020-12-22
Page 1
Friday April 2 30 th
My dear Sister
Your letter I think
of Tuesday though it is ante-
dated – You seemed to have
lost my letter written a
week to day – I always send
a letter Saturday and
Wednesday – I cannot now
reccollect what was in it
but I write every thing &
would not like to have it fall
into other hands – This letter
went in the same mail
with those from the two
Henry’s – the Dr
Birth: 1804-08-02 Death: 1884-03-09
& Prof
Birth: 1797-12-17 Death: 1878-05-13
– The day before that I sent a
letter to Clara
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
telling her of Augustus’
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
arrival – You do not speak of her having
received this either – I wish
I was sure of having some
one in place of Willis
Birth: 1830
this Summer – I think John
Birth: 1827
may come
with Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
– Henry himself is quite sure
that he will – I certainly
shall not think of keeping
Willis if he is conducting in
this manner – I think
the pipe which passes through
your room may as well be
removed – the pump has
been useless since M c Kinney
broke the other and put that
in its place – Water would
be more easily taken from the
other cistern, if the pump
in the bathing room cannot
be made effective –
I went to look for Augustus
yesterday morning & found he
had gone to Baltimore leaving
here before 7 oclock – He had
told me the evening before that
he thought of going to get some
papers from his vessel –
I went to see Mrs Schoolcraft
Birth: 1815 Death: 1878-03-12
whose health if finally giving
way after nursing her helpless
Birth: 1793-03-28 Death: 1864-12-19
with a mans strength so long – Her back is very
lame – I think neuralgic
though she imputes to a strain
at some particular time & thinks
it will be temporary only –
I doubt whether she is even as
well any more – Her spirits were
depressed – she complained of the
ingratitude of those she had
tried to help – I think I
succeeded in convincing her that
her case was by no means
a solitary one, and that it was
better to work without hope of
the reward of gratitude – Mr
Schoolcrafts son
Birth: 1829-10-02 Death: 1865-04-28
whom she had made great sacrifices to assist &
had succeeded in keeping at
home some months, about a month
ago took all the money he
could find, and such trinkets
of hers as were about, in all
about $400, and disappeared
they know not where – He has
always been a dissipated & I
suppose a dishonest young man–
Mr Schoolcraft of course imputes
it all to the Indian blood.
I found there Mr De Zeng
Birth: 1793-03-16 Death: 1882-08-15
Birth: 1828-05-22 Death: 1906-12-09
father – He is an old friend & class mate
somewhere of Mr Schoolcrafts
and came in to assist in
getting a bill of Mr School-
crafts’ through Congress –
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
having made an un- successful attempt to meet
the dancing class at Lord
Birth: 1819-09-19 Death: 1898-12-19
came for me – I left her with Miss Dixon
Birth: 1844-01-16 Death: 1921-03-05
and came home – Gus came
soon after so that he was
with us at dinner – In the
evening Morgan
Birth: 1806-05-02 Death: 1881-10-13
Mur y
Birth: 1807-11-27 Death: 1885-11-08
& George Andrews
Birth: 1796-10-16 Death: 1863-06-11
came to play whist – George made many
enquires about you & Trip
Birth: 1851-06-13 Death: 1862
– Augustus being very tired had
gone to bed after dinner &
did not get up to tea–
I played one game of whist
& came up stairs very tired
had hardly sat down when
John announced Mrs Hetzell
Birth: 1815-10-25 Death: 1894-12-15
. I thinking she had come
to see about the house went
down – she made a visit
of one hour & a half.
Saturday morning – Mr. Phillips
(the Englishman) & Mr Gray
of Boston dined with us yesterday
very pleasant gentlemen –
I managed to sit through
most of the dinner but not
without the usual effect
of the lighted gas – I was
glad to get in a dark room
where I remained until
tea was ready – Henry spoke
on the Kansas Constitution yesterday
the last speech before the
final vote in both houses
which passed the proposition
of Mr. English
Birth: 1822-08-27 Death: 1896-02-07
– so is lost all that was thought a month
ago to be gained for Kansas –
I cannot remember when I
wrote to you about this “compro-
mise” suggested by English – it
may be in the last letter –
I am quite sure it was in
that that I gave some directions
about garden seeds two 2
envelopes of which I sent
about the same time –
If your next letter does
not speak of mine as found
I will write again tomorrow
or by the next mail – which
is not Sunday – The weather
is warm this morning – I
hear Augustus coughing – I
hope the warm weather will
benefit him – Yesterday
Mrs Throop Martin
Birth: 1818-12-25 Death: 1899-07-09
called with Mrs Hatch
Birth: 1812-05-10 Death: 1862-02-20
– I had been writing for Henry an
hour and could not see
them – all of which it was
impossible to explain – If they
come again I will try to see
them – Now that Henry has
spoken in the Senate I think
I may talk with him some
about arrangements for
moving – I am impatient to
do something about it to day
is the 1 st of May – Love to Clara
Your own