Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, February 18, 1832

  • Posted on: 19 December 2017
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, February 18, 1832



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, February 18, 1832

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Albany, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Auburn, NY

transcription: nwh 

revision: crb 2017-10-27

Page 1

Saturday Morning
My Dear Sis - I have just finished reading your last letter which kept me some
time from going to breakfast - I am sorry to hear Grandma
Birth: 1751 Death: 1835-10-03
has got the influenza
though I hardly dared hope she would escape it - you need not be in the least
alarmed about my cough I am quite well now though I presumed I coughed
considerable at the time Mr Reese
left – I have never heard anything of the
kind you mention respecting Miss Blanchard
Birth: 1810-02-10 Death: 1892-12-09
hardly think it true - however I
will try and ascertain –. Mr Gilchrist
Birth: 1809-02-16 Death: 1858-04-29Certainty: Possible
told me the other evening that she was
said to be engaged to a young gentleman of Troy – I agree with you in think
ing they are all perfectly heartless I generally meet them whenever I go out –
I have indeed arranged all matters about going to Orange County so that we
shall be ready to come home as soon as the Legislature adjourn - I am
going down soon after the boats commence running which will probably be
about the middle of March – Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
of course will come for me as soon as he
is at liberty perhaps before the adjournment - I should like him to come that
I might return here and be in readiness to depart immediately after that event -
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
is very much pleased with the promise of a letter from Frances
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
he says
I must ask you to tell Cousin Frances that he is very much "obliged" to her for
writing – very polite – he wanted me to read for Freds
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
edification the part of
the letter that reffreferred to him not doubting but Fred's gratification
would be equal to his own – they are both quite well now - Fred thinks "day"
as he call Gus is a complete affair - imitates all his naughty actions of course
The weather continues cold, cold, - I was not comfortably warm in my room all
day yesterday - We have been talking two or three days about going to Troy but
it is so cold I cannot summon sufficient resolution - I concluded my last
letter Thursday morning – that afternoon we went to call at Mancius
x Birth: 1814  Death: 1882  Birth: 1811-08-18  Death: 1893-07-09  Birth: 1787  Death: 1834-08-27  Birth: 1779-12  Death: 1833-11-07 
– they
said they had been receiving calls all day - Mrs Mancius a is a very clever
little woman - the girls rather too artificial - Miss Brown
Mrs M's — sister
a very pleasant girl - and the old man appears with wine, wassail, and the
gout to be perfectly stupid — Sarah Bowen
who is a particular friend was there
making a call — not as pretty as she was in the evening and flourishes so much
that she is very disgusting - They urged us to stay to tea but I had some shopping to do
and could not — stopped about an hour a Little & Cummings book store to look at
books and prints and other pretty things - called at about ten stores to get
some white kid gloves and some blond edging — found none — came home sick
with at the long walk — went early to bed — Thursday morning Mrs Beardsley
Birth: 1786-12-22 Death: 1877-04-13
and invited me to ride with her — but finally we did not go as one of the horses
lost a shoe which discovery was made rather too late to allow us time to ride
before dinner - In the evening we went to Mrs Sanfords
Birth: 1806-02-19 Death: 1847
second Soiree - Mrs Julian
Birth: 1804-05-06 Death: 1860-05-01

Mrs Beardsley and myself —Trummy
Birth: 1829 Death: 1832-03-29
not well enough to leave yet — it was a bitter
Page 2

cold night but they live next door-& the house was as warm as a furnace — both rooms
were crowed - all the members invited - most of them there I should think I am sure many
that never attended a party before — Mrs Sanford looked charmingly — I think I have told
you she is a 2nd wife — he married her at Baltimore — she is not pretty but very animated
and ladylike - I do not know but I have told you all this before — I forget sometimes
what I do write - She has been married but a few years - has one little fat boy of 16 months
She was dressed the other evening in ^light^ blue silk - a white blond cap very becoming - She has
always worn a turban before when I have met her - Miss Sanford
Birth: 1814-03-20 Death: 1841-02-05
is a very pretty girl
17 or eighteen I should think - she wore white bobbinett over satin — as for Mr Sanford
Birth: 1777-11-05 Death: 1838-10-17
I think
he is a secondary consideration — I have never seen him though I understand he was there
but I had actually forgotten there was any such man — Mrs Sanford receives company
very gracefully without much display as she continued stationary in one room
until it was filled and then went to the other — I am altogether more pleased
with her deportment than any lady I have seen — She always says Miss Sanford
when speaking of her husbands daughter — that John A. King
Birth: 1788-01-03 Death: 1867-07-07
says is a la mode so I
suppose it is as he lives in New York and knows what is what — We had tea and coffee just
as we do at parties. sweetmeats ices mutton &c—Mrs Juliand and I came away before ten -
Birth: 1792-12-01 Death: 1868-08-31Certainty: Probable
was there the first time I have met him out — did not see much of him or
anyone else for that matter " there were so many housen” – of folks — Friday morning at six
oclock Mrs Juliand took her departure she having concluded to go to her little girl
Birth: 1826 Death: 1909
Mrs Julians’ brother
was here and she returned with him. Mr J
Birth: 1797-02-23 Death: 1870-02-17
- had on a long face at the
breakfast table - I am very sorry she has gone she was amiable
Worthy of love; deserving of affection; lovely; loveable • Pretending or showing love •
and pleasant - Mrs. Cary
Birth: 1788 Death: 1863-06-22

says she is going so soon as the little boy gets well enough to ride but I rather think when he
gets well she will change her mind — cold, cold all day one or two members called during
the day & our Governor
Birth: 1844-12-23 Death: 1885-05-23
in the evening — Mrs Throop
Birth: 1795-08-07 Death: 1834-06-29
and Mrs Lupton
Birth: 1779-02-17 Death: 1833-03-05
also called but I
did not see them they stayed but a minute & when I went to the ladies parlour they had
gone to Mrs. Bronson's
Birth: 1799 Death: 1867-02
room — I was quite satisfied - Granger is about as well satisfied with
himself as any one I ever saw- he said there was a great collection of beauty at Mrs Sanfords Henry having
remarked that he never saw congregated together so many homely women —Speaking of Mrs Clarkson
Birth: 1808-08-17 Death: 1874-04-28
the Lieuten-
ant Governors
Birth: 1779-11-24 Death: 1843-11-03
daughter — I said I was told she was not there — yes she was said Granger she was
on my arm when I first saw you, you remember — no I did not remember the lady who
was so honoured — is she pretty said Henry — You may be assured of that said Granger for I
never offer my arm to a woman that is not pretty — a beautiful observation truly — dont
tell any body our Governor is so silly — he went on discounting the merits of ladies
dresses and faces — their minds being of no consequence as he is a kind of mirror of fashion
I will repeat some of his observations - of course I shall never expect the honour of the gentleman's
arm — he agreed with me that Mrs Sanford was very much a lady in all respects — the Miss
x Birth: 1810-03-22  Death: 1871  Birth: 1806  Death: 1881 
he said there was nothing of them — I observed I thought there was too much — he said
they were varnished not polished — might do at Cooperstown — but ' O horrid they had on
black velvet bands with their muslin dresses” — Mrs Throop and Mrs Porter
Birth: 1790-07-04 Death: 1870-04-11
shockingly without taste — Mrs Rufus King
Birth: 1795 Death: 1867-07-09
very spritely and entertained company
handsomely but no talent — Mrs Lupton singular but odd ^talented^ — The Miss Cains
to be favorites he spoke very highly of them — Upon the whole I found our tastes not
very dissimilar but I was provoked with him a man and a man who possesses the
confidence of a large party, to make as serious a matter of things so very trifling in
themselves — Friday during the day Mrs George Clark
came and took up her abode
here — She has always put up at this house — Now do you know who Mrs George Clark is
you would had you heard as much about her as I have — She was once Mrs Cooper you
remember - her misconduct induced Cooper
Birth: 1775-08-12 Death: 1813-03-08
to get a divorce and she has
since lived with Clark
Birth: 1768-04-28 Death: 1835-11-04
having previously had t[ w ]


o sons
x Birth: 1808-12-08  Death: 1862-12-16  Birth: 1806-08-01  Death: 1832-11-01 
whose names were
Page 3

changed by the Legislature from Cl Cooper to Clark after the divorce — I do not know
whether she was ever married to Clark at all events he has a wife
Birth: 1767 Death: 1861
and family in
England — he is very wealthy and they spend a portion of each winter here - Mrs
Bronson says the ladies have no intercourse with her whatever - She was at tea last
night and is a very bold disgusting looking woman taller and nearly as large
as Miss Bissel
- coarse in her manners and conversation - her husband
if he is so has been here some time — She came as accompanied by her son and

Editorial Note

Either Mary Donaldson Cary
Birth: 1795-06-13 Death: 1878-12-04
or Harriet Temple Cary
Birth: 1800-09-08 Death: 1853-01-18
- a plain woman – Mrs Clark employs most of her time in staring
people in the face — Mr Clark has not attempted to introduce any of us to her–
Monday morning — Saturday afternoon Henry Mr Cary
Birth: 1787-08-11 Death: 1869-06-20
and I went to Troy we crossed
on the ice perfectly safe though there are some fears about its firmness — stopped at
Titus’ and left Mr Cary then we went to Mrs Boardman's
Birth: 1773-10-08 Death: 1846-03-02
— the dear
very glad to see us — she and old Mrs Jenkins
were quilting — Maryann is about as presice
as ever and Columbus Do.— William
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
is still in New York and Augustus
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
at Princeton - every
thing seemed just as comfortable and as much like home as it used to do — Mrs B. employed
most of her time in repeating observations of yours — she said I must give a great deal
of love to you when I wrote again - I promised to go again and take the children —
Henry and Mrs Cary went about half an hour over to Mrs Willards
Birth: 1787-02-23 Death: 1870-04-15
where there is now going
on a 7 days examination - The old lady is flourishing as largely as ever- Henry said
the room was full of spectators - many of the Members of the Legislature - he staid but
a short time & returned to Mrs Boardmans to tea - we came away as soon as we finished
our tea as it was quite dark — took in Mrs Cary and Fuller
Birth: 1795-07-16 Death: 1850-11-28
at Titus' — had a very merry
ride home - found Mrs Cary looking very sorry — Trumbull continues quite ill yet
Yesterday morning I went to the 2d Presbyterian church - heard Mr Campbell
Birth: 1798-03-04 Death: 1864-03-27
- was pleased
with that portion of the discourse I heard but unfortunately went to sleep — came home
with the headache [ in ]


Reason: hole
the rain — went out to dinner found Mrs Clark had seated hers[ elf ]


Reason: hole

just opposite me and s[ tared ]


Reason: hole
at me all the time — could not eat —. She Commenced
talking to Mrs Cary to [hole] she has not been introduced - I thought it would be my turn
next so I came aw[ ay ]


Reason: hole
before the desert — Henry thinks to avoid future annoyance I had bette[ r ]


Reason: hole

not go to the table for a few days and if she persists in keeping that seat we will go
to the other end of the table and sit with Maynard
Birth: 1786-11-11 Death: 1832-08-28
- of course we do not wish to
render ourselves too conspicuous in such an affair — in the afternoon I went up to Mrs
Bronson's room found her and the baby both sick — went to Mrs Beardsley's room found
her in bed with the sick headache - Mrs Cary very desponding about Trummy —
upon the whole Mrs Clark and all I found myself pretty tolerable homesick — In
this humour I wrote about as a flat a letter to Serene
Birth: 1805 Death: 1884-01-19
as I ever saw — had a letter
from Cornelia
Birth: 1805 Death: 1839-01-04
this morning she remains well yet — This morning is dreary enough - snowing
constantly — Mrs Cary and I continue to eat in our rooms — Trumbell no better - I am
reading Count Robert
Author: Walter Scott Place of Publication:Scotland, GB Date: 1832
for Mrs Cary — Maryann Boardman
Birth: 1810-12-05 Death: 1875-11-03
said something about Miss
Blanchards being stabbed — but the conversation was changed and I got no particulars — Mr
Cary says it was Miss Ellen Blanchard
Birth: 1810-02-10 Death: 1892-12-09
and the man was supposed to be a discarded
lover of hers — I hope I shall be able to hear some more about it — Will you tell me all
you remember to have heard about Mrs Clark alias Cooper — I cannot come at much infor
mation — Gus says he wishes you would ask Frances when that letter is coming & to tell
her there is a great many boys here little and big - I hope Grandma is better by this time
I feel very anxious to hear from her — There is to be a speech made the 22 — I shall go to the
ball if the children keep well - Tuesday morning very cold Trumbell no better his eyes are
dreadfully inflamed he has not opened them for three days — poor Mrs Cary she looks miserably
they have sent to Geneva for their oldest son Walter
Birth: 1818-12-21 Death: 1880-11-01
— I do not think the Dr is alarmed at all
he says he has had many cases– Just received an invitation to Mrs Savages'
 Death: 1837-04-06
to tea suppose
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I must go as I have refused an invitation there — I am sure I shall freeze if I do - Wedn Tuesday
night — Well we went to Mrs Savages Tuesday evening had a very pleasant party-
Wednesday I employed most of the day altering my ball dress which Miss Carpenter
had pretty
much spoiled —Mrs Otis
made a speech at ten oclock which no ladies went to hear
not fashionable I suppose — I went early in the morning to do a little shopping previous
to going to the ball gloves belt ribbon &c…We went to the Ball at nine oclock but a
description of this must be deferred until the next letter — came home at eleven being
on my feet constantly and going up and down stairs so much has made me so fatigued
that I have done nothing today but sleep and hold Augustus whom we think is getting
the measles — I feel reproached for not sending this letter earlier because I know you
are expecting it — Trumbell is getting better and Mrs Cary beginning to look like
herself again — Mrs Beardsleys little girl
has got the measles — some of the ladies went to
the Ball from here but myself - O yes Mrs Clark did but I will tell you all about
this in the next letter — Rathbone
Birth: 1791-08-02 Death: 1845-05-13Certainty: Probable
said he wished you could be there you would enjoy
it so much —I responded — kiss Fran - Your own Sis Frances —
Mrs Alvah Worden—