Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, March 4, 1832

  • Posted on: 10 July 2017
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, March 4, 1832



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, March 4, 1832

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Albany, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Auburn, NY

transcription: crb 

revision: tap 2017-02-17

Page 1

Sunday night 4th March.
My Dear Sister It is now 2 oclock at night I am watching with my little Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
has been taking an emetick
Inducing to vomit • A medicine that provokes vomiting •
and a portion of salts - dear little fellow he is quite exhausted
and is now quietly sleeping in the cradle - yesterday and to day he has had considerable
fever we think a presage of the measels - to night Dr Williams
said I had better give
him some salts - he coughed so much and so hoarsely during the evening that I became
afraid of croup
The hinder part or buttocks of certain quadrupeds, especially of a horse; hence, the place behind the saddle • An inflammatory affection of the larynx or trachea accompanied by a horse ringing cough and difficult respiration. In the form in which it attacks chiefly young children, it is known as Cynanche tracheates, and it is apt to be attended with the formation of a false membrane which lines the trachea beneath the glottis, and tends to produce suffocation •
and sent Eliza
Certainty: Possible
up to ask Mrs Beardsley
Birth: 1786-12-22 Death: 1877-04-13
to come down and see
him. Mrs B. has lost two children with the croup a sad way of getting a knowledge
of the disease. After a due consultation I concluded to give him sufficient antimo-
nial come to vomit him once or twice. I have him 8 drops and he has vomited 5 times
this together with the operation of salts has made him very weak and I am afraid
I did wrong in giving the wine. The Dr. is so far off I cannot see him until the morning.
I was holding the little fellow on my lap watching his pale face when some one knocked
on the street window. I waited until the 3d knock when I summoned Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10

I have hardly yet recovered from the trepidation produced by so singular an
occurrence. Henry got up went to the window without opening the shutters
enquired who was there. A man
answered and enquired the way to Lydius
street. Lydius street is about half a mile from here of course it was impossible
to direct a stranger there in the middle of a dark night. Henry told him by
way of disposing of him that he must go down below the Capitol - which is
just across the Str Street from us. The man could not find the Capitol and
finally came back to enquire the way to a nights lodging. Henry directed him
to a tavern across the street - we have heard no more of him. Henry has gone
again to bed - all is silent nothing but the ticking of my watch and the occasional
murmurs of little Fred disturb the stillness. nothw I am impatient for the arrival
of morning and the presence of Dr Williams to know whether I have harmed the
little boy by giving the emetick. Your letter by James Horner
Birth: 1804 Death: 1874-06-12
came yesterday
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
was delighted with his from Frances
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
- he has had another printed &
sealed a long time ready to send the first opportunity. The shirts arrived safe and
look so much whiter than the clothes we have washed here that I think of putting them
in a drawer by themselves. I sent my last letter on Wednesday. Thursday afternoon
being very pleasant we went down to call on Weed's
Birth: 1797-11-15 Death: 1882-11-22
Birth: 1797 Death: 1858-07-03
and old Mrs Dole
- found
the old lady quite well. Mrs Weed is very homely I should think certainly ten
years older than Weed. She talks about as much and appears about as
well as Laurinda Lewis
. I can think of no one else to compare her to. I cannot
exactly tell whether she was pleased to see me or not. She invited me to come and
take tea with her said I would always find her just so as she did her own work.
The house looked tolerably neat and orderly that is the room we were in. Weed called -
Wednesday Morning - I had written so far Sunday night when little Fred awoke
and I did ^not^ find any more time that night. I sat up at until 5 oclock and then
called Eliza. Fred slept after that until 6 oclock I did not get up until
nine. The measels began to make their appearance on Freds face and his eyes
were very weak and red. I did not leave my room on Monday until tea time
then I went a few minutes to Mrs Carys
Birth: 1788 Death: 1863-06-22
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
and I held Fred alternately
he continued feverish but did not cough so hoarsely. Mrs Bain
Birth: 1794-09-16 Death: 1839-04-23Certainty: Probable
called that
afternoon. Frederick slept in bed with me that night but was very restless
drank a great deal - elm tea - Teusday morning his face arms and neck
were covered with the eruption - he now appeared much more cold cool
Page 2

and comfortable - he slept a great part of the day the measels continuing to
extend to his feet - wanted to nurse often but did not eat any thing - was very nice
did not complain any only said "by" when we stopped rocking him. Mrs Hopkins
Birth: 1778-02-01 Death: 1866-12-17

called in the afternoon. I did not go out again until tea and after tea
spent a few minutes in Mrs Cary's room. I had a bad night with Fred the
measels having arrived at the itching state - he cried a great deal and continues
this morning extremely irritable and uncomfortable - he has just eaten a
custard and gone to sleep. I wish you could see your little measely
boy his body is all covered his face red but not so much swollen as
Augustus was - the Dr says this will be the worst day he will have so
I shall not send my letter until tomorrow morning - his symptoms
are all very favorable. Yesterday we were invited to tea at Mrs Vanvechten
Birth: 1801 Death: 1852-12-06

and to attend a party at Mrs Emma Willards
Birth: 1787-02-23 Death: 1870-04-15
. The former invitation I
should have accepted with much pleasure had Fred been well the latter
I should not have accepted on any terms. But I will now commence
back to that unfinished sentence. Weed called while we were at his house
and Eliza said regretted his not being there to see us - he has been here but once
since. Thursday evening we went to Mr Benedicts
Birth: 1785-11-07 Death: 1862-07-15
to spend part of the evening they
are very clever, plain people - some connexion of the Swans
Unknown Birth: 1770-06-03  Death: 1829-08-25 
in Aurora. Mrs
Willard John
Birth: 1810-09-28 Death: 1883-03-29
Birth: 1789-07-10 Death: 1873-01-30
and Miss Dodge
Birth: 1818-12-26 Death: 1902-01-24
went to the assembly that evening. I for my part
had got surfeited with balls. Friday received some calls. Mrs Bacon
Birth: 1803-12-17 Death: 1882-11-07Certainty: Possible
Mrs Butler
 Death: 1853-07-22

and Mrs Crosswell
Birth: 1806 Death: 1878-10-13
- now do you know who Mrs Croswell is. In the first place she
is the wife of Neddy
Birth: 1797-05-29 Death: 1871-06-13
the state printer editor of the Argus - whom Weed has
made me despise most heartily by his newspaper articles. I never heard him speak
of him. I discovered at a party one evening that Mrs. Croswell was formrly Kate Adams
of Catskill - you remember her. She has lost what little pretension she once had
to good looks and her mind is not materially expanded as Almira
Birth: 1790-10-15 Death: 1857-10-25Certainty: Possible
says. Well she
called on me and I must e’en go to Neddy's to return the call - this will s be the
extent of our intercourse and had it been entirely of the paper kind I should
have been quite as well satisfied. She has a sister staying with her who looks very much as
she did at Troy. Saturday morning Mrs Willard and John took their departure for Troy
Miss Dodge has gone to Chancellor Walworths
Birth: 1788-10-26 Death: 1867-11-27
which Dodge takes occasion to men-
tion very frequently. Sunday morning I went to Church or rather Baptist meeting
and a heard a beautiful sermon from Mr Welch
Birth: 1794 Death: 1870
. I wrote to Grandma
Birth: 1751 Death: 1835-10-03
in the afternoon
told her all about Gus' measels. The Dr said he did not think the emetick I
gave Fred was a material benefit or injury - Dr Williams grows more and more
in my esteem daily - how much I wish he lived near us. Last evening after
we had gone to bed Tracy
Birth: 1793-06-17 Death: 1859-09-12
came - we did not know it until this morning when
Henry met him at breakfast. I have not been to breakfast or dinner since Fred
has been ill. Mrs Tracy
Birth: 1800 Death: 1876
remains in New York until the opening of the rivers
Page 3

Notwithstanding Freds illness Tracy has been in our room most of the day he and
Henry appear equally in love with each other for me I depend upon Mr Cary
Birth: 1787-08-11 Death: 1869-06-20

good man, to see me to the table and back again. Tracy was upset once in the stage
and crossing the river one of the horses broke through the ice. 8 horses have been
drowned at the Troy ferry crossing the ice. Mrs Willard took a strange time
to invite us to a party there - dont you think so. On Monday we recieved a
card of invitation to Mrs Throops
Birth: 1795-08-07 Death: 1834-06-29
party which event takes place a week from
yesterday. I shall not go if we are all well. I have never intended it and the last time
I met Mrs Throop she disgusted me by her rudeness or weakness. I shall not again say
Mrs Throop is lady like in her manner. But I will tell you the particulars - dont mention
it again - I do consider them such small lights - they receive this designation from
many of the Regency. They other evening at Mrs Weeds Mrs Throop and I were sitting
together when the following conversation occurred. Mrs Weed addressing us both "you
Auburn ^ladies^ meet often I suppose" - Mrs Throop immediately replied - "Yes much oftener
than we do at home Mrs Seward has never taken the trouble to call upon me three miles
out of the village" - I replied that I never went 3 miles out of the village to call on
any one," and added laughing that when I made journeys they were usually more
lengthy. Mrs Weed then observed that Mr Throop had a pleasant place at Owasco.
I assented." How do you know (said Mrs T- with some asperity) you never was
there" - O yes I have been frequently when your mother lived there I answered
Mrs Throop then said that Mr Seward called last summer. I might have said
purely accidental - but here the conversation ended. Henry says that Mrs Throop
did not intend any rudeness that she erred from ignorance. I say that if
she is ignorant that she committed a great break of civility that she is less of a lady
that I thought her. Henry says I was mistaken in imagining her lady like in the first
place - this I admit and impute
To charge; to attribute; to ascribe • To charge to one as the author or originator of; generally in a bad sense • To set to the account of another as the ground of judicial procedure • To take account of; to reckon •
it to the little intercourse we have had. We have accepted
the invitation for next Teusday and send an apology before the time arrives - this
appears the approved mode. I hope Trummy will be well enough for Mrs Cary to go and then
I will tell you all about it - he is getting better very slowly. I received your good long
Sunday letter this morning and read it while my breakfast was cooling. Mrs Willards
nose is not as red as it used to be - but it does not make her any more agreeable. Henry does
not think the partnership strange at all - he says it is only in name - George
Birth: 1805-10-07 Death: 1844-02
not having
been admitted cannot practise alone. I hope Deb


and George will come to some conclusion
about living in the course of a year or so. I am sorry you had the toothache and sorry the stove
smokes but I do not think the unclean dress in presence of Miss Bissel
of much consequence
I remember hearing Henry say Emile Ford
was here but I was not introduced to him. Henry will
send a speech to Walter
Birth: 1818-12-21 Death: 1880-11-01
if he has one left I believe there were but one thousand copies
printed and they are all disposed of Serene
Birth: 1805 Death: 1884-01-19
will please send the direction. These
least two lines are written Thursday morning. Tracy staid with us until
eleven oclock last night notwithstanding he always goes to bed at nine.
Page 4

Fred made us walk with him all day yesterday and had rather an uncomfortable night
He has been running about the room this morning and eating hasty pudding and
molasses - he appears much less irritable that he did yesterday. The measels
are disappearing from his face but he does not look much like our little soft peachy
boy yet. Mrs Sanfords
Birth: 1806-02-19 Death: 1847
last soire comes to night. I cannot attend.
Augustus says I must tell Frances that he has read his has book through that St Nicholas
gave him - he wants to know if she has read hers - also that Judge Smith
Birth: 1785-05-04 Death: 1853-08-08
given him a pretty little pen knife - your own sis Frances.
The Dr has just gone says Fred is doing well.
Mrs Alvah Worden


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