Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, November 14, 1841

  • Posted on: 19 December 2017
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, November 14, 1841



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, November 14, 1841

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Albany, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Chautauqua County, NY

transcription: meb 

revision: crb 2017-11-02

Page 1

Sunday Nov 14th – 1841
My dear Sister,
I am considerably more than half sick to day but
am not willing to defer writing – I have just concluded a letter
to my boy
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
in answer to one received last week For the
last two days all my leisure time has been spent at Weeds
Birth: 1797-11-15 Death: 1882-11-22

Birth: 1819-02-06 Death: 1893-11-01
has a recurrence of her old turns and has suffered
severely with convulsive spasms the last three days
they were brought on by fatigue and anxiety in consequence
of the sickness of her mother
Birth: 1797 Death: 1858-07-03
who has an attack of Q Quinsy
I suppose these convulsions are Epileptic though differing in
degree from those we are accustomed to think such – She
is perfectly conscious at the time says her principal distress
arises from difficulty of breathing – in appearance they
very nearly resemble the struggles which precede dissolu-
tion – no one can witness them without being moved to tears
and then she is so patient and uncomplaining hardly
uttering a groan – her mind is constantly disturbed about
the welfare of her mother – her first words on recovering
the power of speech “do not let mother know how sick I am”
How often while sitting by her bed side have I felt that “His

[top Margin] General Scott
Birth: 1786-06-13 Death: 1866-05-29
here just as we were
preparing to go to Mr
Lansings – We dropped
him at Congress
Hall after engaging
to come and dine
with us the next
day – He came
Orville Holley
Birth: 1791-05-19 Death: 1861-03-25

also – I ou would
have enjoyed it
exceedingly had you
been here – The
General talked the
whole time and
the unvarying theme
was General Scott
his prospects with
regard to the Pres-
idency – the battles
he had fought etc etc
Orville Holley managed
to make an occasional
pun upon some word
used but he was
entirely thrown in
the shade – He
wanted to talk
about the prospect
of his losing the
Surveyor Generalship
but could not

[left Margin] find any
room to insert
a sentence –
I suppose all the state
officers will lose their places
which does not disturb me so
much as the loss of their patronage
to the clerks – Henry said it was really
melancholy to visit the state offices after
our defeat –The Loco’s had a procession
Wednesday night which Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
pronounces a total
failure in comparison with the Whig procession of
last year – I have written all this here that
it might not be read – Did I tell you we
were serenaded with the “dead march” after the Election
Fred sat up a long time to hear the groans but finally went
to bed before they came

Page 2

ways are indeed past finding out” – That such a mother should
have such a child so unselfish so devoted so affectionate and
yet so unappreciated is to me incomprehensible – Weed feels
Harriet’s illness as he ought he is so pale and sad that I
never liked him half so well. He must know that Harriet is
the only member of his family even with her undeveloped faculties
and crushed feelings ^affections^ that can ever sympathise in his better
feelings – I believe that I did very little to contribute to
the comfort of any one yesterday but the exertion I made was
still somewhat beyond my strength and when Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
came to
me at 8 oclock last night to ask me to go again to Weeds
and see the Dr
Birth: 1812-05-12 Death: 1882Certainty: Possible
I thought of Harriet’s self sacrificing spirit
and felt reproached that I should feel any reluctance to
comply with his request. We remained there until ½ past nine
in consultation with the Dr – Weed went for Dr Mc Naughton
Birth: 1796-12-10 Death: 1874-06-11

but did not find him at home – Dr Williams was confident
that Harriet would be much better to day if she succeeded
in getting a nights rest, as the event has proved Weed
has just been here for the first time since Thursday and
says she is much more comfortable – I am going over
pretty soon that is when Col Webb
Birth: 1802-02-08 Death: 1884-06-07
gets through with his
Page 3

wine as he is to accompany me – He came up in the boat this morning
as usual is going on to attend a trial of his libel suit with Cooper
Birth: 1789-09-15 Death: 1851-09-14

Mrs Webb
 Death: 1848-07-01
and the children
x Birth: 1835-02-15  Death: 1911-02-12  Birth: 1833-11-10  Death: 1876-12-03  Birth: 1830-12-14  Death: 1918-12-04  Birth: 1827-11-30  Death: 1896-10-03  Birth: 1824-08-12  Death: 1899-08-27 
are all in N. York for the Winter —
Augustus wrote me a long letter last week concluding with
asking permission to come home before the river closes which of
course was granted – I shall look for him next Saturday –
Henry received a letter from Mr Kinsley
Birth: 1802-02-17 Death: 1849-08-24
after his arrival at
West Point ^which^ says “Your son Augustus arrived at my house on Monday
afternoon presented me your letter and immediately entered my
school – I am very much pleased with him, & my wife
Birth: 1804-11-11 Death: 1852-11-19
him the most amiable
Worthy of love; deserving of affection; lovely; loveable • Pretending or showing love •
and gentle youth in the school” —
Mr Kinsley is a Scotchman – his school is at present
consists of but 16 boys – I hope Gus will try to retain
the good opinion of his teacher – He is permitted for the
present to relinquish Latin and pursue mathematical studies
which please him much better – very few of the scholars study
the Languages – Clarence
Birth: 1828-10-07 Death: 1897-07-24
is yet with us indeed Henry has some idea
of keeping him here – I am satisfied Mr Duffs
 Death: 1847-07-16
school is not the
place for him – he is not contented here however at present
seems to prefer returning – We have not another word from Augustus
Birth: 1820-05-18 Death: 1889-05-08
– have been expecting him and Mary
Birth: 1815 Death: 1879-08-29
all the week. I do not
know but his wife
Birth: 1817 Death: 1883-04-17
will come too but having no clue it is
difficult to make a calculation — Sam Blatchford
Birth: 1820-03-09 Death: 1893-07-07
stayed at
Utica until Wednesday – came back much pleased with his
visit – I received no particulars indeed I saw very little of him
it being the day after the wedding party I was sick all day with
nervous headache – Sam has lost none of his self sufficiency – he is
coming here the 1st of January to be admitted – said nothing about
the letters – he says he does not take the least interest in politics
I do not know but I have written this before – you remember Jennings
Birth: 1793-08-23 Death: 1841-02-24

used sometimes to write duplicates without being aware of it – Garret
Y. Lansing
Birth: 1804 Death: 1888-11-23
was very polite to me the night of the wedding which
I set down to Pa’s
Birth: 1772-04-11 Death: 1851-11-13
account The wedding, as the Herald would say
passed off brilliantly all the beauty and fashion of the town were scc
there and about as agreeable as beauty and fashion usually are
on such occasions — Pruyn
Birth: 1792-05-26 Death: 1846-02-11Certainty: Possible
seemed very much pleased with
the part he performed – We went at 9 and left before 10 —
Page 4

Mrs Spencer
Birth: 1789-02-23 Death: 1868-10-10
has left for Washington – Albany is more sickly than
I have ever known it to be – the scarlet fever prevails in many
parts of the town – beside other fevers and universal influenza –
I have been to see Harriet this afternoon she is better than
she was yesterday – the spasms continue but much mitigated in
severity —
Henry has gone to return the visit of Lord Monfort
Birth: 1773-05-14 Death: 1851-04-30
a former member
of the Whig ministry – As I have never seen a living Lord I shall
certainly gratify my curiosity if he returns with Henry
I have not said any thing about Bishop Hughes
Birth: 1797-06-24 Death: 1864-01-03
and now have no
room – Henry esteems him very highly – he wrote a most beautiful


Type: postmark



Type: postmark

[right Margin] letter to Henry after the election – Pray tell me just how much you have
read and heard of his proceedings and I will try to explain – This week
Miss Calely
Birth: 1815 Death: 1878-05-31
will undertake your cloak – I hardly know what directions to
give about the cape – they are made both large and small but how
large & how small I do not know – I think the larger the safer and
also the more becoming dont you? your own Sister —
Mrs Alvah Worden