Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Warden, April 9, 1832
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Warden, April 9, 1832
student editorTranscriber:spp:msr
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Warden, April 9, 1832
action: sent
sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24
Death: 1865-06-21
location: Florida, NY
receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01
Death: 1875-10-03
location: Auburn, NY
transcription: mhb
revision: tap 2017-10-02
Florida Monday 9th April
My Dear Sister, I know this letter will not reach you as soon as you will
expect it—we did not leave Albany at the time we expected when I last wrote
that was Friday morning—we put up our things and were all ready to depart
at four oclock—Henry
the next day having a cause in the Supreme Court which he could
not get through with that day in time to go— What added to my grief
at the disappointment was the losing the company of Mrs Cary
went that afternoon— They are to go to New York from thence to Connecticut
where they remain ten days and then return to Albany to await the close
of the session—poor, dear Mrs Cary I shall not see her again until
time has in some degree softened her affliction — Eliza Ann Nicolson
Friday afternoon said she had been sick with tooth ache and ague
in the face nearly the whole winter— Mrs Dole
wished us when we return home to carry some articles which she and some
friend of hers have made for the next fair in for the Episcopal Church—
In the evening Henry and I went to call at Judge Sutherlands where
I was indebted two calls and did not like to leave town without calling—
From there we went to Mr Hopkins
from Mr Delevans
fair they had received $1700 and there was yet more to be sent in—Mrs
Hopkins and Hester
very much to have us wait for them but this I could not consent to
do as my things were all in readiness to depart—my disappointment
was by no means as grievous as Eliza’s for the Ohio the boat which
went on Friday was the one on which John
so Eliza’s face was consequently somewhat lengthened—I came home from
Mr Hopkins and went to bed—Henry went to see the Tracy’s and as Tracy
said the next morning kept him up so late that he did not sleep any all
night. We were to go on Saturday at 12 oclock in the Chancellor Livingston
how lonely I felt without Mrs Cary’s room to go into—I went in the morning to
See Mrs Bronson and Mrs Beardsley
department—about half past 11 a note came from Henry saying that the
Chancellor Livingston did not go and we must wait until 4 oclock and
take the Constellation—I began to think we never should get started—time
hung very heavy on my hands—how much I regretted that I had sent
my letter to you the day before—I attempted to read but could not confine
my attention to the book—I went and sat an hour with Mrs Tracy—
then went and practised a while on the piano—2 oclock came at last and
Henry came to his dinner—I ate bread and milk in my room—then the Tracys
came in and sat with us awhile—Mrs Tracy went to get ready to accompany
us to the boat and Tracy took little Fred
Porter came for the trunks—Eliza was summoned from her dinner—trunks
bag and basket departed—then Eliza and the two children
Robert to say two ladies were in the parlour wanting to see Ms Tracy
and myself—I went in bonneted—found Miss Dodge
stayed to say good bye and left them with Mrs Tracy— I went to my
room to wait for Henry—he came with Tracy—I went to the parlour to say
good bye to Mrs Tracy—she whispered me that she wanted to go with us—the
company took the hint and departed—I went on with Tracy—Mrs T and
Henry were to follow as soon as she got ready—we overtook Eliza and the
little boys at the foot of State Street McLane
with us to the boat—Henry and Mrs Tracy overtook us and we pushed our
way to the steam boat grazing carts horses and orange boys in profusion—
The bell rang in a few minutes I kissed Aunty
other gentlemen and made my way into the cabin which was full to over-
flowing—wimming and children—It was a lovely afternoon and I soon went
up on deck where we found Weed
came as far as Poughkipsie—I continue to like him very much and was sorry
he could come with us—I staid upon deck until it became very cold and
we were summoned to tea— after tea the ladies began to retire for the night
and when the setters were arranged I could hardly find room to sit down
I succeeded about ten oclock in getting a little bed made on the floor for
your boy where the motion of the boat answered the purpose of a cradle
he slept until a short time before we landed—I put on my cloak and
joined Henry, Weed, Holly and Stone who were having a caucus—The moon
was shining gloriously but the air was chilly and I did not find it
comfortable to remain long—I said good bye to Weed who was about landing
we having reached Poughkipsie—I spent another hour in the crowded cabin and
then “NewBurgh baggage” aroused me from my meditations—When I again
went on deck the wind was blowing a perfect hurricane and the
boat came up to the the dock with difficulty—We were all chilled
through when we were fairly on shore—it was 12 at night—when we got
to the Orange Hotel the fire had all burnt down in the grate—I
passed a cold comfortless night—Frederick
every thing seemed from Congress Hall—We started soon after breakfast
for Florida in a barouche—the first 12 miles was quite cold but
the roads are very fine and we were not long accomplishing the
journey—ate some crackers and cheese at Washingtonville and from
then to Florida had a very comfortable ride—of course the country
has few attractions at this season—We called a few moments at Polydore
taking care of three big fat children the eldest of whom is nearly
years younger than Augustus—Polydore looks thin, old and dispirited—
We found Mr
they had expected [hole] evening before—Mrs Seward actually wept for joy
she said she was afraid she should never see Fred—of course the good
woman employed herself immediately in getting dinner for us—it was 3
oclock when we got there and they had just finished their dinner—The
table soon groaned with provisions to satisfy our hunger—ham and eggs veal
cutlet and fried fresh fish which had been kept some time for Henry—
My dispepsia and my friend Tracy’s lecturing have induced me to adopt a spare
diet so that I was not benefitted much by the good things set before us—Henry
and Polydore went to Church in the evening—we took tea at 8 and soon after
I retired—We missed the brick walls and coal fires of Albany—I slept very
little and Augustus awoke with a hoarse croup cough—To day I have felt very much
as people in general feel after riding in the wind the day previous—I slept most
of the morning—This morning ^afternoon^ Mr Cummings
house is a perfect thoroughfare—people are constantly calling for letters papers &
beside those who came on business with Mr Seward—George is to be married next
week—the lady
of Dr Littell
summer—Mrs Seward has visited and is pleased with the family—I believe
from appearances that the connexion is perfectly satisfactory to all parties—
Nothing has been said about my going to the wedding & I hope will not—George and
3 young couple
and return here immediately—George has to day gone to Newburgh to get
some articles preparatory to the wedding party which is to be given here when they
come home—Mrs Seward has been consulting me about cake whipt cream &c I can
only regret my gross ignorance on these subjects—Will you when you write
send me Clary’s
know how to make blanc mange—I suppose the party will be about a fortnight
from Tomorrow—Henry will lose all this as he returns to Albany on Thursday—Your
account of Ms Brown is perfectly in character—I expect she will die of a bulb fever
I shall not fail to write you as often as ever but cannot promise much that will
interest you—I hope you are quite well before this time—Lucien Gurnee
neighborhood sick—Adeline
[right Margin]
see them before long—he is getting better, had a turn of bleeding at the lungs—
I hope the consummation of the nuptials at this time will expedite our jour–
ney home—I am getting impatient to kiss you all once more—your own sister
Mrs Alvah Worden
Cayuga County
Type: postmark
Florida Monday 9th April
My Dear Sister, I know this letter will not reach you as soon as you will
expect it—we did not leave Albany at the time we expected when I last wrote
that was Friday morning—we put up our things and were all ready to depart
at four oclock—Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
came in at two and said he could not go untilthe next day having a cause in the Supreme Court which he could
not get through with that day in time to go— What added to my grief
at the disappointment was the losing the company of Mrs Cary
Birth: 1788 Death: 1863-06-22
whowent that afternoon— They are to go to New York from thence to Connecticut
where they remain ten days and then return to Albany to await the close
of the session—poor, dear Mrs Cary I shall not see her again until
time has in some degree softened her affliction — Eliza Ann Nicolson
Birth: 1793 Death: 1849-04-19
calledFriday afternoon said she had been sick with tooth ache and ague
in the face nearly the whole winter— Mrs Dole
was well — Eliza annwished us when we return home to carry some articles which she and some
friend of hers have made for the next fair in for the Episcopal Church—
In the evening Henry and I went to call at Judge Sutherlands where
I was indebted two calls and did not like to leave town without calling—
From there we went to Mr Hopkins
Birth: 1786-04-25 Death: 1862-06-27
— Mrs Hopkins
Birth: 1778-02-01 Death: 1866-12-17
had just come homefrom Mr Delevans
Birth: 1818-10-07 Death: 1890-05-01
where they had been calculating the proceeds of thefair they had received $1700 and there was yet more to be sent in—Mrs
Hopkins and Hester
Birth: 1808-11-05 Death: 1845-10-08
were going down to New York on Monday and wished very much to have us wait for them but this I could not consent to
do as my things were all in readiness to depart—my disappointment
was by no means as grievous as Eliza’s for the Ohio the boat which
went on Friday was the one on which John
and PhillipUnknown
were employedso Eliza’s face was consequently somewhat lengthened—I came home from
Mr Hopkins and went to bed—Henry went to see the Tracy’s
Birth: 1800
Death: 1876
Birth: 1793-06-17
Death: 1859-09-12
said the next morning kept him up so late that he did not sleep any all
night. We were to go on Saturday at 12 oclock in the Chancellor Livingston
how lonely I felt without Mrs Cary’s room to go into—I went in the morning to
See Mrs Bronson and Mrs Beardsley
Birth: 1790-09-06 Death: 1864-06-07
and take leave being all ready in the trunkdepartment—about half past 11 a note came from Henry saying that the
Chancellor Livingston did not go and we must wait until 4 oclock and
take the Constellation—I began to think we never should get started—time
hung very heavy on my hands—how much I regretted that I had sent
my letter to you the day before—I attempted to read but could not confine
my attention to the book—I went and sat an hour with Mrs Tracy—
then went and practised a while on the piano—2 oclock came at last and
Henry came to his dinner—I ate bread and milk in my room—then the Tracys
came in and sat with us awhile—Mrs Tracy went to get ready to accompany
us to the boat and Tracy took little Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
with him to his room—WilliamUnknown
the Porter came for the trunks—Eliza was summoned from her dinner—trunks
bag and basket departed—then Eliza and the two children
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
—then cameRobert to say two ladies were in the parlour wanting to see Ms Tracy
and myself—I went in bonneted—found Miss Dodge
Birth: 1816-09-28 Death: 1886-12-20
and Mrs Gill
Birth: 1801 Death: 1838-04-13
I onlystayed to say good bye and left them with Mrs Tracy— I went to my
room to wait for Henry—he came with Tracy—I went to the parlour to say
good bye to Mrs Tracy—she whispered me that she wanted to go with us—the
company took the hint and departed—I went on with Tracy—Mrs T and
Henry were to follow as soon as she got ready—we overtook Eliza and the
little boys at the foot of State Street McLane
Birth: 1786-05-28 Death: 1857-10-07
, Fuller
Birth: 1787-08-14 Death: 1855-08-16
& McDonald
Birth: 1759-09-19 Death: 1837-03-01
wentwith us to the boat—Henry and Mrs Tracy overtook us and we pushed our
way to the steam boat grazing carts horses and orange boys in profusion—
The bell rang in a few minutes I kissed Aunty
Birth: 1788 Death: 1863-06-22
shook hands with Tracy and theother gentlemen and made my way into the cabin which was full to over-
flowing—wimming and children—It was a lovely afternoon and I soon went
up on deck where we found Weed
Birth: 1797-11-15 Death: 1882-11-22
Orville Holley
Birth: 1791-05-19 Death: 1861-03-25
and Stone
Birth: 1792-04-20 Death: 1844-08-15
all editors—Weedcame as far as Poughkipsie—I continue to like him very much and was sorry
he could come with us—I staid upon deck until it became very cold and
we were summoned to tea— after tea the ladies began to retire for the night
and when the setters were arranged I could hardly find room to sit down
I succeeded about ten oclock in getting a little bed made on the floor for
your boy where the motion of the boat answered the purpose of a cradle
he slept until a short time before we landed—I put on my cloak and
joined Henry, Weed, Holly and Stone who were having a caucus—The moon
was shining gloriously but the air was chilly and I did not find it
comfortable to remain long—I said good bye to Weed who was about landing
we having reached Poughkipsie—I spent another hour in the crowded cabin and
then “NewBurgh baggage” aroused me from my meditations—When I again
went on deck the wind was blowing a perfect hurricane and the
boat came up to the the dock with difficulty—We were all chilled
through when we were fairly on shore—it was 12 at night—when we got
to the Orange Hotel the fire had all burnt down in the grate—I
passed a cold comfortless night—Frederick
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
had taken cold—how differentevery thing seemed from Congress Hall—We started soon after breakfast
for Florida in a barouche—the first 12 miles was quite cold but
the roads are very fine and we were not long accomplishing the
journey—ate some crackers and cheese at Washingtonville and from
then to Florida had a very comfortable ride—of course the country
has few attractions at this season—We called a few moments at Polydore
Birth: 1799 Death: 1872-04-23
Birth: 1805-07-15 Death: 1848-05-14
looked very well and was glad to see us—She was getting tea andtaking care of three big fat children
Birth: 1830-04
Death: 1835-11-22
Birth: 1828
Death: 1905
years younger than Augustus—Polydore looks thin, old and dispirited—
We found Mr
Birth: 1768-12-05 Death: 1849-08-24
and Mrs Seward
Birth: 1769-11-27 Death: 1844-12-11
and George
Birth: 1808-08-26 Death: 1888-12-07
anxiously awaiting our arrivalthey had expected [hole] evening before—Mrs Seward actually wept for joy
she said she was afraid she should never see Fred—of course the good
woman employed herself immediately in getting dinner for us—it was 3
oclock when we got there and they had just finished their dinner—The
table soon groaned with provisions to satisfy our hunger—ham and eggs veal
cutlet and fried fresh fish which had been kept some time for Henry—
My dispepsia and my friend Tracy’s lecturing have induced me to adopt a spare
diet so that I was not benefitted much by the good things set before us—Henry
and Polydore went to Church in the evening—we took tea at 8 and soon after
I retired—We missed the brick walls and coal fires of Albany—I slept very
little and Augustus awoke with a hoarse croup cough—To day I have felt very much
as people in general feel after riding in the wind the day previous—I slept most
of the morning—This morning ^afternoon^ Mr Cummings
Birth: 1776-07-15 Death: 1863-01-09
his daughter
Birth: 1816-05-11 Death: 1892-01-18
and Miss Wood
Birth: 1806-03-27 Death: 1879-12-18
called—Thishouse is a perfect thoroughfare—people are constantly calling for letters papers &
beside those who came on business with Mr Seward—George is to be married next
week—the lady
Birth: 1812-09-30 Death: 1848-10-18
lives in New Jersey about 61 miles distant—she is the daughterof Dr Littell
Birth: 1783-10-25 Death: 1865-04-15
the physician who attended Mr Seward during his illness these lastsummer—Mrs Seward has visited and is pleased with the family—I believe
from appearances that the connexion is perfectly satisfactory to all parties—
Nothing has been said about my going to the wedding & I hope will not—George and
3 young couple
are to leave on Wednesday of next week—they are to be marriedand return here immediately—George has to day gone to Newburgh to get
some articles preparatory to the wedding party which is to be given here when they
come home—Mrs Seward has been consulting me about cake whipt cream &c I can
only regret my gross ignorance on these subjects—Will you when you write
send me Clary’s
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
or Serene’s
Birth: 1805 Death: 1884-01-19
receipt for making floating islands on whipt cream I onlyknow how to make blanc mange—I suppose the party will be about a fortnight
from Tomorrow—Henry will lose all this as he returns to Albany on Thursday—Your
account of Ms Brown is perfectly in character—I expect she will die of a bulb fever
I shall not fail to write you as often as ever but cannot promise much that will
interest you—I hope you are quite well before this time—Lucien Gurnee
is in thisneighborhood sick—Adeline
has come down to take care of him I shall of course [right Margin]
see them before long—he is getting better, had a turn of bleeding at the lungs—
I hope the consummation of the nuptials at this time will expedite our jour–
ney home—I am getting impatient to kiss you all once more—your own sister
Mrs Alvah Worden
Cayuga County